Classifieds, Is Anyone Moderating Them?


Fish Maniac
May 1, 2008
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I thought the idea was they would be kept a close eye on and those not in the right places, moved, those without the correct form, removed etc. For the last week or more, ads are in the wrong section, no forms being used, general abuse of the system really, surely for it to work the way it was intended, then a closer eye needs to be kept on them.

Sorry to moan, but its annoying when some people are reprimanded for not following the rules, yet others are blatantly ignoring them.

I should go get back into bed and then get out the right side of it huh!
Hi minxfishy :)

Are you saying that when you reported them, none of the moderators replied? :unsure:
Oh, I didnt report them, Im just noticing it when Im mooching around the classified section.

I know its a headache for the mods to be in there all the time to check out all the new threads, but I thought it was something that was being monitored, especially with this new system in place.
Hi Minx,

It is being monitored, but if you see any posts which don't belong there before a mod has had the chance to remove them, please hit the report button and a mod will deal with it.

Regards :good:

Keep in mind that BigC is the mod assigned to that forum. If someone hits the "Report" button the report goes to him only. So if you see something that needs to be moved and he isn't online, it's probably best to also send a PM to some of the other mods. I probably show online most of the time since my computer is almost always on but I may not be there at the moment. But I will attend to any that I get as soon as I can.
I thought the idea was they would be kept a close eye on and those not in the right places, moved, those without the correct form, removed etc. For the last week or more, ads are in the wrong section, no forms being used, general abuse of the system really, surely for it to work the way it was intended, then a closer eye needs to be kept on them.

Sorry to moan, but its annoying when some people are reprimanded for not following the rules, yet others are blatantly ignoring them.

I should go get back into bed and then get out the right side of it huh!

I was one of the mods who pushed for this change to the classified section (not to everyone's liking, but you'll always get that). After a few months of working out how the thing was going to work and ironing out a few rule changes it was decided to go with the modification. To cut a long story short, firstly,we have a rules section at the top of the page (If folks would care to read but they don't) this explains everything that the membership are required to do in order for it to work as intended. Secondly after repeatedly leaving reminders within the sections for the membership to comply with those rules folks still don't get it.
I apologise if some members received a little reminder whilst others didn't. This was done in-order to try and get a self policing, word of mouth thing going which in turn would see the classified section run as was once envisaged, but again certain folks either will not or blatantly bend those rules to suit themselves.
Still months later folks are not taking the time and completely ignoring to read the pinned topics before they launch themselves to sell or buy their wares.
As for a moderator to mod that section, I do bob in and out occasionally, check on a few topics that may look like they could cause some problems and take action accordingly. That said the sections on this forum are free they don't cost folks a dime to view and participate, and you can appreciate as a Mod, I also have a life to contend with, i.e Family issues (4 kids, aquaristic maintenance duties and so forth. So please forgive me if a few misdemeanour's have slipped through the net and if you the membership come across an anomaly from time to time, then please hit the report button, to help us mods do our job more efficiently and effectively.
We could, if we really wanted, impose a real draconian regime whereby we just go into the classified sections and delete posts that don't conform fully to the rules provided
but this would probably spark an even more negative effect on the forum. But if that sort of hard-line tactic is what folks want I can do that.
So the upshot of the whole thing is to Read the Pinned Topics and Comply, Make full use of the report button (as Mods come from different Geographical Time Zones and are not always on call)
By taking heed of the two points above would solve a lot of the memberships gripes surrounding the Classified section.

P.S. Whilst there are still a few non-conformists, basically from what I can see this morning, most folks are using the Sales Forms as requested.

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