Clare' Fishies - Part II



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bunjiweb said:
How big are those tanks... You dont have them listed in your sig.... :look: -_-

They aren't his. They belong to someone named Clare who posts in the Oddball forum frequently. She took the pictures with her camera and sent them to lithril, who then uploaded them and posted them. :)
Those are very cool fish, I wish I could see them in person :hyper: .
I am Clare. Anyone who wants to see my fish is very welcome but i live near Grimsby. You can pm me, most of them love the attention from visitors.
The big black fish you asked about is a Perruno Catfish who lives in the same tank as my mbu and Florida Gars. (Yes they are Gars)!!
We have lots of tanks so i will list them at the end of this message.
To Sir Minion, yes you can see some Goldfish in the background of one, they ,luve in a 4ft tank with Weatherloach and Axelotls, Plecos, Ottos and Minnows.
Tell Lady Minion, SHE`S NOT HAVING GOMEZ!!!!!!!!!!!
Gomez is a Lineatus.
My fish are as follows,

8 x 2 x 2 - Mbu puffer, Perruno Cat and 4 Florida Gar
8 x 2 x 2 - 2 Giraffe cats, 2 Granulosis cats, 2 Pseudodoras Niger, 2 rusty plecs, albino oscar, Ornate Birchir, Polypterus Endlicheri, Polypterus Weeksii, Polypterus Lapredi,

7 x 2 x 2 - Lineatus
2 x 2 x 2 - 2 figure eights

7 x 2 x 2- 8 Dragon Gobies, baby red tail cat, 5 shark cats, tire track eel, 2 sail fin plecos

4ft- Various goldfish, 3 Weatherloach, common plec, 2 Axelotls, 5 Ottos, 9 Minnows, 2 Snails

4ft- Elephant nose, 3 butterfly fish, 2 bristlenose ( albino), Polypterus Delhezi, 2 Senegalus, 2 suncatfish

4ft- tropical community inc. Clown Loach, Blue Bottia, unidentified plec probably Vitata, bristlenose, red finned shark, angels, barbs, red eye tetra etc. oh and 2 leopard cactus plecs!

4ft - 2 freshwater lion/toadfish, 2 polypterus Palmas, orange spot pleco, 3 Hujeta Gars

4ft - Palembangensis puffer

4ft- Palembangensis puffer.

Soon the tanks are to be upgraded so all the fish will in turn be moved into bigger tanks. Glad you liked the pictures (poor quality)! Thanks again to Lithril!!!
If anyone lives or is visiting Grimsby area let me know!!

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