Clams At The Local Food Store


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2006
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New Jersey
Can i buy clams at the local food store and give them to my fish? Is there a curtain brand?
And can i do the same with shrimp?
Sure, but dice them up nice and fine and drain their juices off before feeding to keep the nutrients low. Do you know how to shell clams? Its a bit of an art when they're still alive ;)
Sure, but dice them up nice and fine and drain their juices off before feeding to keep the nutrients low. Do you know how to shell clams? Its a bit of an art when they're still alive ;)

You have to use a a knife and pry them open. I will agree, it is a art, alot of people I know cut them selves. You can also Soak them in garlic to they sell a little jar of minced garlic. I just chop a bunch of clams up and soak it in the garlic juices its good for your fish.
Yeah, my dad used to shell clams right off the docks in long island when he was in high school as a summer job. He taught me how but I still cut myself after a while. Shrimp would be much easier ;)
Sure, chopped prawn is good. So are silversides and fish usually love roe (fish eggs usually found at asian markets)
I have had alot of sucess with chopped shrimp, sea scallops and calamari (all of which you can purchase at a fish market) this way the fish have a little varitey to there diet. I usally get a couple of each chop it together and freeze what I don't use. There is several type of fish roe you can purchase, salmon roe which is orange, seems to be my fish's favorite followed by monkfish which is black in color. Its funny my clowns won't touch monkfish eggs.
also squid rings are dirt cheap at the deli counter, 45p for enough squid to last my fist 2 months! :good:

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