Clamped fins, resting on bottom, scratching


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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I bought 3 new females over the weekend and now 2 of them are acting strange. One looks more severe than the other with clamped fins al the time, laying on the bottom as well as scratching herself against plant leaves.

I've read up on different betta diseases but nothing fits exactly. I can't see anything externally.

I was thinking of taking them back to my lfs and getting 2 others instead but now I'm not sure because my oldest female seems to be getting clamped fins as well.

Not sure what to do ...any suggestions??? :dunno:

edit: I just did a 15% water change and added some salt
My first impression is that the water is too cold, and/or perhaps they have parasites. So it can't hurt to up the heater a bit and keep them salty while closely observing them. Be ready to treat if you see them getting worse.
Hmm...well it can't be the water temp because it's 27-28 in there :/ I'm thinking maybe it's parasites too. I found this on Bettatalk

"It is easy to diagnose a betta with external parasites: It will dart and scratch itself against anything it can find, such as gravel, rocks, heaters, tank walls, etc… You will probably never be able to actually see the parasites themselves. Look instead for a behavioral change in your betta. If it looks like it is on speed or acid, then it has parasites!! :))))"

She isn't really darting around though...she's mostly just resting/laying on the bottom of the tank and just going to the surface for air and coming straight back down.

I just got back from my lfs where I got her from to see how their girls were doing and there was 2 in the tank acting in a similar manner. One seemed to have a little white on the tip of her fins but it didn't look fluffy like fungus. Maybe something bacterial??

Heres what I found for bacterial infection
"Betta may have clamped fins, lay at bottom or at surface, not eat, lose its color, turn gray, barely swim around. In more advanced cases, its body may start developing red patches, open sores and all kinds of nasty looking stuff. (Even holes in its head!! YIKES!!)"

Mine seems to have a mix of some of the bacterial symptoms and some of the parasite symptoms :S

What to do...What to do :/
Adding some salt to the water or a salt bath cant hurt. Might be Ich. They start out really small so you wont see them till a day or two after they infect your fish.
Well I decided to treat for parasites as all her symptoms seem to be pointing to that. Her fins seem to be unclamping somewhat which is a relief for me. Not sure if she'll pull through but I'm giving it my best shot. :thumbs:
She's looking better this morning. She came up for a feed of bloodworms and now her fins are unclamped and shes swimming about. She is still going to the bottom and "resting" and she has a kind of dull gray coating on her body.

I just hope she pulls through :(
I hope she does too. Whatever happens I think she is glad she is with you.
Hi -
if your girls are laying on the bottom w/clamped fins - especially if they're scratching, they probably have velvet.

Try this: take a flashlight and shine it down on them from above. If you see gold flake-looking dust on them, they are stricken.

Velvet is VEEEEERY contagious, so you'll have to treat everybody that's in that tank.
Here's a page with treatment info, and a pretty good picture of it:

Check them IMMEDIATELY because velvet kills very quickly. :(

Good luck with your girls.
Lemme know if you do see gold dust - I can help you more if you need.
Hi BettaMomma, I thought it could be velvet but it isn't. I shined a flash light on her early yesterday evening and couldn't see any gold dust. I sat there and shined over her own body a few times and couldn't spot anything like gold dust.

I am not sure what her illness is but as I said before I treated for parasites last night and this morning she was acting better and actually came up for a feed of bloodworms which is encouraging :thumbs:

I thought my older girl was starting to get clamped fins but she wasn't. All 7 other girls are fine as can be.

She's definately acting a lot better...swimming around with her fins unclamped. She isn't scratching anymore since I added salt and the parasite medication so thats good :)

I will update everyone tomorrow!
Great news.
It sounds like you know what you're doing - they should all be happy healthy girls in NO time!

I'll check back tomorrow to see how the brood is doing!
Hmmm...I'm really not sure what is going on with my girls :/ 2 more girls are now resting a lot on the bottom/hiding under the driftwood I have in there. I cannot see anything externally wrong with them besides the slight gray coating on the darker girl.

All 3 ate today but they didn't really "go" for the food like the others. I treated for parasites which I thought helped but I am not so sure anymore. I decided to do a 60% water change and added more salt thinking if it was parasites or a bacterial infection that the salt would kill it.

I wish I could see something so I'd know what to treat for but like I said before I can't see anything. I am very puzzled :blink: Not sure what my next step should be :dunno:
yeah she is in the 14 gallon with the other girls. I don't have anywhere elseto move her to at the moment. why? :)
Well since I treated for parasites and it didn't seem to help I am now thinking it must be bacterial :/ The two show the same symptoms and are really hard to tell the difference between them.

I guess I'll go out tomorrow and pick up from bacterial medication....

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