Cigarette smoke

Another reason not to smoke around fish which no one's mentioned yet is gas exchange. Much like what allows caron dioxide to leave their water and oxygen in, the same thing allows other gases and air particles to go into your aquarium.
I bet you even with the gas exchange, if you do water changes once a week and don't use it as your smoking spot then the fish will be fine. I doubt a toxic level of nicotine will develop in 1 week from second hand smoke. Don't turn it into a water bong either, even if it would be cool.
It depends on a lot of factors, like the kind of cigarette, the amount of smoking done, how close, whether the lid is open or closed, the amount of disturbance on the wate surface and so on.

I don't know how sensitive fish are to smoke but I do know the particles of smoke can stay in the room and consquently air for years afterwards if you're a moderate smoker. I moved into a house whose previous owners were smokers and you could smell it long after they left and the scent was still lingering when I moved out a few years later.
so what about pot smoke? my friend exhales into the bubbler intake so that pot smoke goes into the water of his fish tank. he says the fish like it and get real hungry :p

maybe it is not such a good thing for a fish? i know one thing for sure, his dog LOVES to be around him when he smokes pot.
reg2k2 said:
If using an air pump, not so difficult for it to get in the water...
Correct. If you have an air pump, it takes the air around it and puts it in the aquarium. If there's smoke near the air pump, it'll suck it up and deposit it in your aquarium.

I wouldn't risk smoking anything near the air pump of an aquarium. Besides, smoking isn't allowed in my house. :p
My dad used to sit 5 feet away from his tank & smoke 2 packs a day. He lost a couple of fish, but I feel this was due to the fact that he would wait a few days until he told me that the filter had stopped working. Poor fish went through withdrawls after I got them, still have to have a cig once a day near them or they get nervous twitches.

my dad smokes at the kitchen table everyday. the 40gal fish tank is about 4 feet from him, and it's been like this for a while, and everyone in the tank is fine (can't say the same for everyone outside of the tank :sick: )

just thought i'd add that :p

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