Ciclid-pro Is Now A Guppy Newbie


New Member
Dec 14, 2006
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I have a 29gal that my dwarf shell dwelling cichlids are in and since they live on the very bottom I bought 8 guppies to swim mid-top tank.

Then I noticed a little female (my guess since it's an ugly fish) getting chased by 3 males. So I've spent the day looking into guppy breeding (sounds easier than my shell dwellers!).
I also have a 10gal that is currently inhabited by a clown loach to clean out the tiny snails.

Question should I do this breeding thing? When I have a female ready to "drop", do I pull her out and put her in the 10gal, or in a breeding net/trap in the 10 or even in the 29??? Then where should I put the babies?
Everybody has a different method. Iv been told that breeding nets accually can stress the fry and the mom. Me personally I let the mom have the fry in the tank. After that i will gently put the fry in the net. The only reason I use the net is to control the feeding so my adult guppies dont get over fed. After 2-4 weeks depending on size ill let the fry into "guppy land" :good: If you have a extra "grow out tank" I would say that would be the way to go. But im still pretty new. Im shure the rest of the guys can give you some better advise :nod: good luck!
That's right on PoPoV. Moving to a separate birthing tank should be okay, assuming it's aerated and filtered properly, but it's the small enclosures that seem to stress the fish and cause them to abort the fry. I would just leave the female in the same tank and let the give birth and then get the fry out.
I can't let her drop in the main tank, the bottom is covered in shells and it's almost impossible to catch anything.

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