
You don't mention what type of cichlid but as a rule: No, they aren't. They are aggressive fish and will make every other fish in the tank miserable.
You could check about rams in the new world section they will work in a ten gallon but alot of it depends on what other fish your keeping in the community
The short answer is no, even the smallest most peaceful cichlids need a minimum of a 15 gallon (24x12x15") tank.
I think the only BARELY suitable cichlid for a ten gallon is a breeding pair of Rams...
blue rams, not bolivian, because they get bigger. Ive seen some in stores that are 4 inches long and 2.5 high.
Not true guys, what about Shell Dwelling cichlids, they would do fine in a 10g, you could put 4 in there and it still wont be over stocked, but the problem is finding them, and you will have to setup a new tank for them, as in re-arrange your one, they live in snail shells and they argue alot with each other and just chase each other around alot, there really cool.

Check out this
Shell dwellers aren't community though only rams and i still think you could stick a non-breeding pair of rams in with some small tetras or such
check em out how cute are they.
vantgE said:
Shell dwellers aren't community though only rams and i still think you could stick a non-breeding pair of rams in with some small tetras or such
This is 100% right, they might have to be the only fish in there, so how do you fix this problem? GET 6!!

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