
I'll be looking at African cichlids and I'm not sure yet, I'm looking at a 140 litre bow front tank

Cichlids are a MASSIVE and diverse family of fish check out the wiki page. If you are new to cichlids, I would say to stay away from african rift ciclids, they are expensive, can be temperamental/sensitive, and MAY(depending on species) kill each other. Example: in my Lake Tanganyika tank, I have spent about $200 on 13 fish :(. You also have to stock very carefully with these With a budget of £500, a new tank is going to be half the budget, £50-£150 on a filter, rocks are also expensive estimate about £90 on just rocks, and you can spend anywhere from £60-£500+(easy) on your fish.
I would advise something easy like a pair of kribensis, they do well with other non-cichlids and are forgiving. They are african but like their water like south american cichlids. There are also a lot of very interesting/pretty like angel fish, rams, apistogramma, you can do sevs if you have a big enough tank. You can also keep these cichlids with other non-cichlids.

If you really want to do rift cichlids, you can keep a colony of 4-8 lamprologus multifasciatus in a 10g aqarium with sand and 20+ freshwater snail shells and they will be so happy and make babies :good:

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