Cichlids - Tank Mates ?

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Nick Sw

Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
UK - Halifax
I originally posted this in the African Cichlid section but someone suggested I may have more luck with the New World Cichlids.

I`m totally new to tropical fish and I`ve been busy researching about everything and have found great help on these forums, now I`ve started thinikng about what Fish I`d like in my potential tank and have been really impressed with some of the Cichlid tanks on here

Although I`d like to keep some Cichlids I`m not totally keen on the idea of a Cichlids only tank , I`d maybe like a bit of variety and colour in the tank , what other fish could I keep which are compatible ?

Maybe Cichlids that are community Fish ?

My setup should be a Rena Panormama 100 (hopefully not bought it yet)
which measures:-
101cm in length 44.5cm depth and 47.5cm in Height .
or 39.4 inches Length 17.4 depth 18.5 Length.

Volume 210 Litres / 140 Utile Vol.
Volume 55.48 Gallons U.S 46.20 Gallons UK / Gallons U.S 36.99 Gallons U.K 30.80 Utile Vol.
My Water Board describe my water as moderately soft and from what I can gather has a mean PH of 7.85 (Not totally sure about the PH one)

Thanks Nick
I`ve just found a post by Dwarf Dude that may of helped with my question, maybe something like this as suggested ?

Tank Mates
Another commonly asked question is,"Will my ram be okay with these fish?" and so on. Rams, Apistos and Dwarf Acaras are regarded as the most peaceful cichlids out there and are great for community tanks. a perfect setup for beginners would be a 20gal,one pair of rams,5 neon tetras,5 glow light tetras,5 Harlequin rasboras and 5 corys.plant it and it would be your favorite tank. other good tank mates are
various large tetras(such as the black widow)
small rainbow fish
catfish(a good one is the Bristle nose catfish)
Again,with keyholes its different,yes they can be kept with the above fish listed but also can be kept with the larger fish like Severums,Festivums,Flag cichlids etc.
The list can go on for ages,there is such a variety with these fish which leads to so many people buying them over larger cichlids.
Have a look at the South American dwarf species of cichlids. There is a good introduction HERE and some good information in the fish index. Depending on your choice, you may be able to house 2 different species. The is a long list of possible tankmates for the dwarfs.

I see you found it !
hi your water PH is better suited for Africans. go on and look thru the Mbuna section.
very educational site without buying anything.
Mbuna are of great variety and colorful - easy to care for and they are cool and comical.
my 55gallon has a Demasoni colony and Johnson that is a mean Yellow Lab.

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