Cichlids in Outdoor Ponds?


New Member
Aug 16, 2003
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Im an experienced fishkeeper, but have only kept African Cichlids for about 2 years now. I live in South Florida, and have seen a few cichlid ponds outdoors in parks here. Does anyone have any information specific to this topic? Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Thanks
Don't want you to be left out in the blue with out an answer. I've never personaly had a cichlid pond, but cichlids range from varieties of fish. I saw try a cichlid pond and pretend it is a normal fish tank but just out side and if it doesn't suceed you could always turn it into a Goldfish Pond :D I know about goldfish ponds but cichlid ponds? No, Cichlid tanks... :nod:
I don't see how having a cichlid pond would even be worth it.....cost and the fact that you only get to see them from the top. Personally I would stick with the traditional pond fish.

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