Just wondering which cichlids would be accetable for a community tank, i would like a peaceful tank ( 4 ft, 42 UK gallons ) with clown loaches and gouramis. I would be gratful if you guys could give me a few ideas. Thanks.
My girlfriend's first tank had a yellow electric in it (at the time she had no idea about mbuna disposition). The little yellow son of a gun (he was only an inch long), killed 2 neon tetra, 1 black angel fish, 1 glass fish, 1 tiger barb, 1 molly and bullied a pleco. All of the fish were its relative size, except the pleco which was 2 or 3 inches long. Yes, he was one hell of a killer, so I would advise against introducing any kind of mbuna to a community tank.
I'd reccomend Firemouths, they are wonderful fish and will do fine in a community tank. I would avoid a male and female combination though, as with all Cichlids they breed freely and become extremely aggresive during this time. 1 on its own will be fine or 2 males/females.