Cichlidmasters Cichlids...

What is CM's website?
The same one you got the picture off of? One of my buddies is high into Africans. Another friends has South Americans-Oscar-he says that when some one new walks into the room were the tank is his Oscar try to bite hi through tthe glass. I'll pass on the site.
Sounds great except I don't think any fish would make a plane trip to Australia :(

It's not that they wouldn't make's not legal!!

I am a member of several Aussie forums and have checked into what it takes to export to your wonderful country due to many requests from members.

Well let me tell you it is quite involved and expensive. Check out what it takes sometime and then you'll know why fish in Australia and even New Zealand cost so much.

Ahh that's the reason...I was wondering why cardinals here cost $5 each. Anyway thnx for the info...I also knew its illegal to keep pirahnas here :D
I am so pumped I have gotten my my wife to give me the go ahead on the gold suam and I have let CM know about it and I am just waiting for my money to get here. I am excited and can't wait... if this fish is even half as good as the ones that SMB got and discribed I am going to happy.

I am still working on getting the N beani

and if I only had a HUGE tank and you get these CM I am going to so jealous
That's great news!!! You'll be very happy juanveldez. :thumbs:

Keep us updated! :)

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