Cichlidmasters Cichlids...

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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I am so pumped! I ordered a Nandopsis haitiensis (aka. odo, Black Nasty . It hails from Haiti) from CM and it arrived today!!! I have been searching for this fish for 10 years and the first time I mentioned it to CM he says he has some. I couldn't believe it!

They arrived in great shape well packaged and it's obvious that he cares for his fish and takes the best care of them as they were just beautiful even at just 2".

I say "they" because unbeknownst to me, he sent along a friend that he knew I wanted someday also. A Naandopsis istlanum! My jaw hit the floor. If you know cichlids you would know how great this is to have both of these rare fish. He knew there were 3 fish I've never had that wanted really bad and for many years. The other being a N. beani. Well, he took care of 2/3's of that dream in just 2 days!

I have them in a 20g tank I have set up for my red tail shark. I also have some feeder guppies and 5 danios in there but it's only set up for the rts. I'm not sure what I'm going to do tho. I'm thinking of taking back my Flowerhorn and putting these 2 in my 75g. I might even do that tonight.

In just 5 minutes they've already adjusted which is a sign of a healthy fish as when I come to the tank they try biting me thru the glass. I have never seen such aggro fish at this size.

If you want some cichlids that aren't normally in stores I highly recommend cichlidmaster. It was a joy to talk to him on the phone and he doesn't stop there. he follows up and makes sure you're satisfied. A professional in every sense of the word!!!

Thanks CM. I appreciate it so much bro! :thumbs:

Thanks for the kind words and as always we're glad you like the fish.

I am still working on getting the N beani....hopefully in february I'll have some good news as one of my collectors is going to try and collect some.

That's so cool, smb! You must be totally stoked. Congrats on the new fishies and the new admin title. ;) :thumbs:
I'm going to get into chiclids more...when I finish school next year (I'll have more time) I have some chiclids like rams but nothing serious for now...I've heard they are a great family of fish and I can't wait to get involved. ;) (Smb is the Nandopsis haitiensis a rare and expensive fish?)
Not expensive. It was $7.50 but rare in the sense you can't buy them in lfs's that I know of at least. Here's a pic of an adult-

What are you planning on getting Kossy? I'd love to hear.

These 2 guys are so cool! They are all over the tank and even flare at me when I come up to the tank. Looks like it's time to get rid of my hybrid and put them in the 75g. These 2 guys are amazing!

Thanks Aquanut. :)

Yea, I am so stoked!!!!
Well this fish look GREAT...I'll ask my (massive lfs) if they have it. Well smb I don't know I'm still deciding its great planning this...though I think I'll look at a amazonian chiclids selection (though there aren't as many) or an african so why don't you help me :D I'm thinking discus maybe...
I'll try and help you but know very little about discus and never kept them. The only fish I really know are the aggro ones. :/

Are you into the aggro or more community types of cichlids?

If your lfs has an odo, let me know. I've never known one to have any before.
Well I'm into bettas....aggrssive (;)) lol!!! however I like prefer all you find south american or african chiclids are more interesting ?
Kossy said:
Well I'm into bettas....aggrssive (;)) lol!!! however I like prefer all you find south american or african chiclids are more interesting ?
It's all a personal choice but I like SA/Ca's the best. Africans, at least to me, don't have the personality that CA'/SA'a have.
They are almost like puppy dogs and they know who their owner is. Especially Oscars.

Last week I had a friend over and he walked up to the tank and my FH (a hybrid, not a cichlid but made by a couple cichlids) went nuts and then went and hid in his cave. He asked what was wrong and I didn't know because I've never seen him hide and he was in his cave barely peeking out at him. I said that he probably don't like you and only likes and is used to me. He laughed and thought I was crazy. I said get away from the tank and I'll walk up there and you'll see. I walked up there and as I got closer to the tank he came out and right to the top swimming back and forth like crazy. I walked away and told him to go back up there and the FH went and hid as soon as he got close.

I have played games with my cichlids before too. Put a ping pong ball on top and they'll jump up and hit it all over the tank for hours on end. I put a mirror up to it and they have fun. I even have put a mirror tied on inside and watch the fun!

There's just nothing that can compare to the interaction that CA/SA's have, imo. :thumbs:
hey SMB I love the ping pong ball idea I think that I am going to see if bert will go for it
juanveldez said:
hey SMB I love the ping pong ball idea I think that I am going to see if bert will go for it
Let me know if he does. Another thing you can do is cut a small slit in the ping pong ball and put a few pieces of gravel in it then he'll have a blast picking it up and smashing it.

I even had a Midas that would "stalk" it. He'd hide and come flying out at it and attack it. I think I enjoyed watching them more than they enjoyed playing with it. lol

If bert seems scared or doesn't go for it at first, leave it in the tank overnight so he can get used to it. If that doesn't work, put the smell of live food on it and put it in there when it's his normal feeding time.

Not sure if any of those will work as they just came to me while thinking if bert might be afraid of it. I train my cichlids to jump for food so they take to this very easily.
:D Yeah my frd (owns chiclids) says chiclids are the smartest fish...Well smb I asked my massive lfs and they said they don't in fact he says hes never heard of it. Well I'm forcing him to stock it :D Either way I think its the soft/acidic water chiclids now...what type.

Also I find my female bettas have personalities....for example when I come to the tank they start swimming around really fast and wait for me to squash a snail for them...when I squash some for them they eat them then they flash there colors (its great) :D
Well smb I asked my massive lfs and they said they don't in fact he says hes never heard of it.

Yea, unfortunately that's the typical response I got from all the lfs's I checked for many years. :/

I'm not even going to bother with lfs's anymore and any fish I buy from now on will be from CM. That way I won't even have to worry about the hard to get cichlids. :thumbs:
Kossy said:
Is CM a lfs owner or dealer or something???
He's a dealer. I'm going to go to his place sometime soon I hope to see all of his tanks. I hear from people that have been there how great it is and they were amazed.

Have you seen his website yet? He has a list of all the cichlids he has with sizes, price etc. A lot of those fish you won't ever see in any lfs and he even has wild caught specimens. That's another plus to buy from him rather an lfs. You know exactly what you're getting and don't have to worry about hybrids.

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