Cichlid Tank

I have though of ordering them offline but I've not found a good website to order them. plus the shipping is ussualy alot of money.
when I said I wanted 10 demasoni,and thats it, I meant that that was all I had come up with so far, not that that was all I was going to put in there. I live in vermont, but there are many very good LFS's in my area, so the price may not be that high.
yees frank, we do have many good pet centers, try the lebanon one or the newport one, claremont doesnt have them last i knew

I've got a 50 Gal with various mbuna.
(generally 1.5 - 2.5 inches,with the odd larger male.)

here's a list of some of the different types of malawi/mbunas i've got.

Labidochromis caereleus (yellow lab)
(one pf the most peaceful mbuna,lovely striking yellow in colour)

Metraclima Lambardoi
(unlike many species the male is orange,female blue.)

Psuedotropheus Acei
(males a lovely deep purple colour with bright yellow tail)

Melanchromis johanni
(male black with electric blue stripe along body,female bright orange)

Also assorted zebras...

Red top zebra,cobalt blue zebra and golden zebra.

Look these up on the fish index to see if you like them.
how about this
4 damasoni (1 males 3 females) 3"
4 labiodochromus ( 1 male 3 females) 4"
4 lombardoi (kenyi) (1 male 3 females) 5"
5 cobalt blue zebras (1 male 4 females) 5 1/2"
would this be a full tank, or is there room for a little more? also, about rocks, I don't think my petstore sells aquarium rocks, but I was wondering about this vinigar test I heard that tells you if a rock is safe, is this alwas true? because where I live, rocks are everywhere and I could save alot of money just finding them around the yard and horse paddock.

on an off note, does anyone here live in the new england area, because I found this catalog called "the want advertiser" that sells used stuff, and there is a big aquarium section. to bad the copy I have is a couple weeks old, but I saw a 75 gallon salt water setup (stand light, everything) for only $200, I would have bought it in a heartbeat if the people still had it, too bad :) .
Man I live in the wrong state!!!

When I had Demasoni for sale, I was selling them at 1" for $8.00 each!! They were F1 to boot!!

I looked on another website and found some better choises, is this setup okay?
5 damasoni (1 males 4 females {to calm the male down}) 3"
4 labiodochromus Hongi ( 1 male 3 females) 4"
4 lombardoi (kenyi) (1 male 3 females) 5"
5 cobalt blue zebras (1 male 4 females) 5 1/2"
6 Cynotilapia axelrodi ( 2 males 4 females) 3.5"
sounds great frank!
ive had cablt blues before.....aggresive little basards they are

would you mind providiing come links for some pics of the fish?
Cobalt Blue



they look pretty

i just got back from the claremont pet shop a good cichlid is a blueish greenish with a birhgt yellow fins....i cna tmember the name though lol

the damasonis look awesoem! lol
Ok, sorry another charnge of plans:

5 Pseudotropheus acei

4 labidos hongi

6 Cynotilapia axelrodi

5 cobalt blue zebras

5 pseudotropheus demasoni

I think I'll stop fiddleing now
Beautiful fish. :)

Like I said, as far as coloration goes, demasoni is probably my fav African. I love the coloration. lombardoi's (female) coloration are a close second tho! :D

We need to see pics of this tank. ;)

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