I'm to old for this
Ok, let's get away from the more aggressive C/A cichlids...
1- blue acara
1- festivum
1- Cupid
8- bleeding hearts
1- blue acara
1- festivum
1- Cupid
8- bleeding hearts
I agree... Cichlids need a lot of room and 34 gallons would be considered a small tank. I think of 0-55 as small, 55-150 as medium and 150+ as large.You should only pick 2 Cichlids, because as i said before it is a SMALL tank, there's not enough room for 3 territory's.
I go by foot print not gallons. My only concern with your selection is the sajica and red point, if you're not 100% positive of them being the same sex they may hybridize.
Lol. Orange bellies are convicts not HRP's.
Two males will fight so if you want both then try and go for two females. Females will usually have a spot on their dorsal fin.
I would go for a rarer species within the Cryptoheros genus. Altoflavus are excellent.