Cichlid Tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2012
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I asked a similar question before on this forum before but i am going to ask again because i really can't decide on what to get. I said that i had interest in a jewel, a convict and a blue acara but was told they were not compatible so i have decided against those three. Someone then suggested a sajica, a blue acara and a rainbow; i quite like this idea but was hoping for some more as i like to keep my options open. someone said i should substitute a convict for something called a flier but these unfortunately are not available to me in my area and i do not want to order online so are there any good cichlid tank mates for either a convict or a jewel. Failing that are there any other good cichlid stocking ideas..... No breeding pairs or dwarfs though please!

Tank is about 34 gallons, it isn't one of the standard tank sizes as its measurments are 101x31x41cm or 40x12x16inches.
With a convict and a jewel, I'd be inclined to go with a neetroplus, don't know if I spelled that right. Roughly the same size, with a similar attitude.
Thats a nice looking fish but i thought they were meant to be extremely aggressive, or is that only when breeding? Could i keep it with both a convict and a jewel or did you mean keep it with one or the other.

You spelt it correctly by the way lol
I think that if you have lots of rock and wood in the tank, all 3 would be good as tank mates. They all typically stay under 4", so overstocking won't be an issue. You might consider adding some target fish, such as Mexican tetras or columbian tetras. A group of 6-8 would help make the cichlids more comfortable and draw their attention away from one another.
Well the jewel and the convict actually grow to about 5-6 inches but i wouldn't imagine that it would make too much difference anyway. I'm pretty good when it comes to water changes and i'll get a decent filter to avoid any water quality problems. Are there any good tips other than decor to reduce the possibility of aggression? i am going to add them all at once whilst they are very small.

Also if i can't find the neets, could i replace it with say a firemouth or something more common. I do live in a small town in the uk and the lfs is equally as small.

Thanks very much though for your advice.
Not in a 34 gallon

I don't mean to be rude but that doesn't really help me at all. I'd rather you told me what i can do rather than what i can't.

You asked a question and i answered it, 3 agressive mid sized cichlids in such a small tank is a recipie for disaster, go with a pair of one of the fish listed, it may seem fine when they are juvis and the tank will look more than big enough, when they get to full size....Convict a very chunky 6", Jewel 5-6", Neet 5-6" then it will be war.

Why not go for a pair of Salvinis and a small shoal of dithers?
You asked a question and i answered it, 3 agressive mid sized cichlids in such a small tank is a recipie for disaster, go with a pair of one of the fish listed, it may seem fine when they are juvis and the tank will look more than big enough, when they get to full size....Convict a very chunky 6", Jewel 5-6", Neet 5-6" then it will be war.

Why not go for a pair of Salvinis and a small shoal of dithers?

Actually you didn't answer my question, you simply said no and did not give me any alternative ideas... What am i meant to say to that? I really don't mean to be rude but i am desperate for some ideas and it is very hard to choose who to beleive with all of this conflicting advice. Thank you however for your second reply but I did say that i can't have a breeding pair in the tank so a salvini pair is not an option. Besides aren't salvinis bigger and more aggressive than convicts and jewels? Could i have a convict and jewel with some dither fish instead? One last thing; you refered to my tank as being "such a small tank" To me a 10 or 15 gallon is small... i would say a 34 gallon measuring 40 inches long is medium sized not small.
Or instead of that could i do a central american setup with a convict, a sajica and a firemouth seen as they are not as aggressive
The conspecific aggression between the convict and t-bar would 've high and if they were opposite sexes they WOULD breed and then you would have a load of hybrids on your hands.

I would go with a pair of T-bars and leave the others out. Cons and Jewels are nothing but hassle usually.
Ah well okay thats disappointing but thanks anyway. Once again though i can NOT have a pair so are there any cichlid combinations that would work? surely there must be at least two or three mid sized cichlids that are compatible in a tank of my size....

Thanks for replies anyhow
You could have 3, possibly 4 keyhole's (if there are no more fish due to tank size), they don't breed at the drop of a hat like some fish. People might suggest not as pretty as some cichlids, but they are active & interesting to watch.
I had them for years & they didn't breed ( probably because I didn't give them the perfect conditions for them to do so). I really enjoy them.
Good luck.
You could have 3, possibly 4 keyhole's (if there are no more fish due to tank size), they don't breed at the drop of a hat like some fish. People might suggest not as pretty as some cichlids, but they are active & interesting to watch.
I had them for years & they didn't breed ( probably because I didn't give them the perfect conditions for them to do so). I really enjoy them.
Good luck.

funny you saying that because i already have 2 keyholes in my 20 gallon.They are fantastic fish aren't they, in fact they are the reason i want cichlids for my 34 gallon. Any other ideas instead of keyholes? sorry i know i must seem hard to please

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