Cichlid Tank

I was thinking 10-12 and probably no more as I will have a pleco and probably a few clown loaches. Also about filtration I am either going to go with the fluval 303 or 404. Which would you recommend for this setup?

obviously the can never have too much...

although i would not have the clowns in there, could be ok but i wouldnt recomend it :no:
What would you recommend as a good bottom feeder for the cichlid tank then? I thought I had heard clowns were ok. Guess not. Any suggestions? Also what is a good rock for the tank that won't change the PH very much and isn't just outrageous in price. Thanks for the help.

Many people have used clowns with there malawi's with good success, so I wouldn't be so quick to say that you can't.

Synodontis catfish are always a nice addition to African tanks.

If you find the right place to buy your rocks (anywhere but the fish store) then they should not cost you very much. River rock, granite, slate, lava rock... you have many choices.

The single best starter mbuna as far as I am concerned is the Labidochromis Caeruleus (aka electric yellow, yellow lab, lemon cichlid). They are extremely hardy, not very aggressive, always show nice color, and are easy to find and inexpensive due to the popularity in the hobby and ease of breeding.

10-14 is a nice number of fish for a 55, 20 is getting excessive in stocking levels, IMO.
Yeah I won't do anymore than 10-15. I really like the electric yellow. My only concern with them is the fish store I go to they are very very tiny. They will probably have some bigger ones by the time I decide to do this tank, but I don't want to get them too little do I? I can handle the rocks. One other question is what is a good algae eater that cichlids won't mess with?


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