Cichlid Tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2004
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Alpharetta, GA
I currently have a 29g tropical fish tank. I am looking to get rid of it and upgrade to a 55g tank and was thinking about making it a cichlid tank. How many fish could I fit in the tank comfortably? Also what cichlids don't do well together? I will also be trying to get a cannister filter. Is that recommended for a 55g tank, or will a box filter do? Any other advice you guys could get about cichlid tanks is very very helpful.

impossible to say how many fish as it depends on what you want to keep.

there is a lot more to considder with cichlids rather than just compatability and safe stocking levels (inches per gallon etc)

what are you thinking of?
I'm not real sure yet. That is why I was on here. I noticed that many cichlids take different PH levels. Do you think you might could recommend a stock for a 55g tank as far as what is compatible and what would tolerate the same ph level. I don't want any of the 10"-12" fish. Just between like 3"-6" at most is what I am looking for. Also don't care about breeding them so don't need more than one of any unless they are schooling, which I would rather not have so I can get more of a variety in my tank. Thanks for the help.

Also have one other question. Is it possible to mix something like Silver Dollars, Balas, or Tiger Barbs with any cichlid or are their environments too different. Or will they just not get along. I currently have all of those and could keep them if possible.

its impossible to say im affraid there are thousands of cichlids so yes quite a lot would be ok with balas ans silver dollars etc..lots would not.

although your 55gallon would be too small for balas anyway. try searching round for what you think you might like to keep and post back. it really is impossible to recomend for you not knowing what you are interested in.

How about a nice Mbuna tank? you could have a lovely mbuna set up in a 55

just a suggestion look here
Those look somewhat like the ones I saw at the store today. I will go back after work tomorrow and write down some of the names and post them back here. If you guys have any suggestions in the meantime though they are greatly appreciated.

Do you want to keep Rift Lake (Malawi, Tanganyika, or Victoria) cichlids which require harder water and a higher pH (in other words, a specialized tank)?

Let's at least break it down to those or "something else"... gotta start somewhere!
I wouldn't worry too much about water parameters, unless your water is extreme on one end or the other. My African rift and New World cichlid tanks both use the same unadjusted water and they all do great.

The 'How many' question should be the last question that you ask after deciding on exactly what you want (or at least having a good idea). The answer as it stands now is between 1 and 20 in a 55 gallon ;)
Guys I don't mean to sound dumb, but I don't know the difference in those different kinds of Cichlids. Stores I have been to just have the labeled as Cichlids, so I haven't really looked at any different ones knowing they are called something else. Is there a good site that shows the different kinds that you guys are talking about?


It is important to research first, and learn some of the major differences. It is also important to never buy a cichlid from an assorted tank unless you know exactly what it is.
I think I like the Mbunas, but then again I also like the convict which is a central american cichlid. What do you guys recommend.

At this point it comes down to personal preference. I could help narrow it down like this - if you want a busier tank go with mbuna. If you want a less busy tank, and the option of some non-cichlids, go with the convicts.
I like the mbuna for sure. What would be a good starter tank that isn't real real aggressive, but that will still have some great colors, can get along with just one of its kind (it being the only one), and doesn't get real big (4-6") as I would like to put atleast 10 in the tank. Thanks for the help.

Why dont you start with a simple NW Cichlid tank? Easier and more compatible. My one comment I wanted to make is to not worry about pH levels. NEVER play around with them, its too dangerous for the fish. Anywhere between 7.0 - 8.5 I thyink is good for Mbunas.

Also, it may be very hard to find ANY type of African Cichlid which you can put 10 into a single tank. They are extremely territorial. I believe keeping lots of slate and rock, and also a variety of speicies helps keep aggression down...Im not exactly an expert tho :dunno:

he will easily fit about 15-20 mbuna in a 55 with good filtration.

the idea is to overstock to minimise the agression. ;)

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