Cichlid Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 3, 2009
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Ive just been offered a Juwel Rio 240, 4 foot, 240 Litre (55 Gallon i think).

Im thinking about having it in my dining room as a cichlid tank (already got my 3 foot community tank in the lounge)

A few of my fave cichlids are...

Gold Severum
Blue Acara
Texas Cichlid
Convict Cichlid
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey

Im also a huge fan of RTB Sharks and would love one of these in there, aswell as a pleco (maybe an albino common).

Can anyone suggest a stock list that would be compatible for this tank?

How many cichlids would be safe? Also would i need to have dithers? Maybe a shoal of barbs?


I have a Cichlid community in a tank not alot bigger than that.....Personally if your going to have a community in a tank that size,stick to more placid Cichlids rather than things like JD's,Texas,Convicts etc.

Even my Firemoth is becoming a nuisance in my stocking is..

3 x Severum (1 x Gold,1 x Turquoise,1 x Banded,heros efasciatus)
1 x Female Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher)
1 x Green Acara (Aequidens coeruleopunctatus)
1 x Rainbow Cichlid (Herotilapia multispinosa)
1 x Pearl Eartheater (Geophagus brasiliensis)
2 x Angel Fish (1 x Koi,1 x Black,Pterophyllum scalare)
1 x Blue Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus)
1 x Firemouth Cichlid (Thorichthys meeki)
1 x Sail fin Plec (Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps)
3 x bosemani rainbowfish (Melanotaenia boesemani)
3 x Red Rainbowfish (Glossolepis incisus)
3 x Clown Loach (Chromobotia macracanthus)
Ive just been offered a Juwel Rio 240, 4 foot, 240 Litre (55 Gallon i think).

Im thinking about having it in my dining room as a cichlid tank (already got my 3 foot community tank in the lounge)

A few of my fave cichlids are...

Gold Severum
Blue Acara
Texas Cichlid
Convict Cichlid
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey

Im also a huge fan of RTB Sharks and would love one of these in there, aswell as a pleco (maybe an albino common).

Can anyone suggest a stock list that would be compatible for this tank?

How many cichlids would be safe? Also would i need to have dithers? Maybe a shoal of barbs?



Hi Gaz, apart from the Severum and Acara, the Cichlids you have listed are Central American. Which apart from requiring harder water than their southern cousins, are also generally speaking a bit more agressive. Also with the common pleco reaching 24 inches or more it would be better to rethink the pleco too. If I were you, I would try and find a pair from the list you have made, and then decide on what dithers you would like.
Thanks for the replys guys.

If i can, i think i would prefer a 'less aggressive' community (appreciate that all cichlids are aggressive).

I wouldnt really be keen on keeping the tank for just one pair and a few dithers.

How about -

1 x Severum
1 x Blue Acara
1 x Pearl Eartheater
1 x Keyhole Cichlid
1 x Pleco (maybe Para Pleco, Golden Nugget)
1 x Blue Gouramis

Is this too many fish? Do i need a shoal of dithers?


Sounds good to me mate :)

You don't need a shoal of dithers,i use rainbows because they are colourful but its down to the individual.

Gold nuggets are gawjus! i have been tempted by one of these for a long time but i'm scared it might get hollow bellied and die on me like my zebra did!

Make sure you get a male Pearl,the females are ugly :p

Look around for good Severums also,some are really drab,others stunning like Rotkeils

Cheers dude,

Yeh the Golden Nuggets are stunning.

What would you reccomend for the others? Male or Female? Would it matter if they were all male?

Thanks again

And Wow! That Sev is amazing!
I dont think it really matters,Female Sevs tend to be smaller and more squashed but just as beautiful.

Blue Acaras again doesent really matter...make sure you actually find a Blue Acara tho,alot of shops sell Blue Acara/Green Terror local shop even trying to sell Threadfin Acaras as Blue Acaras.

My Green Acara was sold to me as a Blue Acara,they are pretty much the same thing tho.

Keyholes I have no experience with,something baout them doesent appeal to me,I would prefer to go for a Rainbow cichlid which is about the same size,simular temperment,just prettier colours.

Female Blue/Tri spot Gouramis are considerably less aggressive than males at adult hood,my Male Gourami is a absolute nuisance with new additions into my tank...even if they are alot bigger than him! so make sure you add him last.

Get your fish as babys also...all except the Sev as i have found Sevs are easy going with new additions so it doesent matter if you get a little or big one.

And after up some pics!! :)
No to a severum, Im sorry but 55g tank just isnt large enough for a full grown Sev, its just my opinion of course, others disagree.

You could have the blue acara, firemouth, RTBS, but not with keyholes who are much more placid and would not stand up to the aggression levels of a firemouth. Gouramis maybe ok, it depends on the personality of the cichlids, personally I wouldnt do it.

Gold nugget plec would be ok as would a Para, although Gold nuggets are sensitive plecs, so you would reallyl need to keep on top of maintenance with one.

Dithers could be any larger size tetras, barbs, giant danios or rainbowfish for a splash of colour.

If you wanted something like a Texas cichlid, it would be your only option on a cichlid, they are very aggressive, mine wouldnt tolerate other fish once he reached 5". Salvini's are again extremely aggressive so would be a species only tank.

Edited to remove comment.
Pearl Eartheaters get alot larger than Severums tho with the average being 14"

From the tank he described its volume is probably alot more...if he bought it as a 240 its probably closer to it was in my case.
My understanding is that they dont reach much past 10", males that is, females 8", although its not a species I have ever seen full grown or kept. However, if it is the case that they can reach 14" then I shall change my post above to say, no, as its probably only a 16" wide tank, 41cms, not really allowed enough room to turn.

Anyway, as you keep one, I shall not argue with you.

My main concern being, its not large enough for a full grown severum IMO. But nobody listens anyway most of the time and will chuck in anything they want, regardless of advice, they will just take the one persons opinion that fits with what they want. Alot of people keep sevs in that size tank, but then a lot of people keep Oscars in a 180L tank and think thats ok too.

Im ranting, because Im fed up of seeing/hearing of large fish, particulary cichlids, being kept in the wrong conditions.
im afrais im gonna be another 1 to say no to the sev in a 55 i wouldnt go for the texas or ebjd either salvini could work in a tank that size but tankmates would have to be chosen very carefully indeed as salvinis can be savage. blue acara and firemouth would be fine in that tank and both make lovely additions. pleco wise i would avoid a common as it will grow far to big and be far too messy maybe something smaller like a bristlenose golden nugget or green phantom etc. as for barbs i have 10 tiger barbs in my 100g with my cichlids and they are fine so far ( only had em about 2 weeks)

some other cichlids you could look at are things like C. sajica T. elliotti T. aureus C. spirulus are nice too.

rtbs would be fine with any of these cichlids but i would still play safe and add him last i used to have 1 that even bullied a severum about 5 times his size! let the other fish settle buy your shark fairly small and add it last and it should be fine .
Thanks for the replys.

I wont be having a severum, i have considered what everyone has said and dont wanna be the guy with a tank too small for his fish...

I deffinitely want a blue acara (love these!)

Would love another shark too (Probably Albino Rainbow)


1 x Blue Acara
1 x Albino Rainbow Shark
1 x Keyhole Cichid
1 x Pleco
8 x Tetra (Maybe Serpae or Similar) As Dithers

What do people think to that?


Thanks for taking the comments re: Sev's on board, its nice to hear :)

Your stocking could work, just keep an eye on the acara and keyhole as the acara matures, generally not overly aggressive for a cichlid, but more than capable of causing damage to a keyhole, I would actually suggest you get 2/3 keholes, you have the space for them and could if any aggression arises actually spread the acaras attentions around, so no one individual fish take the brunt.

Its all down the individual personality of a fish with cichlids, some are very placid, some can be real terrors if the mood takes them. But with plenty of caves, wood and plants to create territories, you should be fine.
Okay thanks,

Ive seen elsewhere (could be above?) that the keyhole could be swapped for a rainbow cichlid?

Would this be a wise choice?

Do they grow to similar sizes?

Would serpae tetras be good dithers? I really wanted these in my 3 foot community but was told they are a bit nippy,

Cheers again

You could easily swap the keyhole for a rainbow cichlid, would be a nice choice too, less shy than keyholes are, I believe they reach 5", keyholes around 4", so nothing in it really.

Serpaes can be nippy, but kept in a large enough group 8+ shouldnt be a problem, its only when they are kept in small groups or singularly that they become very nippy fish, mind you Im just going on what Ive read of them, as Ive never actually kept serpaes. Look at something like bleeding heart tetras, black phantoms, lemon tetras maybe which get to a nice size.

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