Cichlid Re-scape!

I think it looks good! I really like the way the substrate creates a wave, making even the bottom interesting.
Hopefully it will look even better with the black rock. I'm hoping it will make the colours of the fish stand out even more. Going to be such a big project. Gonna have to get my Dad to help me lift the rock!
So I'm finally putting the new rock in tomorrow!

I'm undecided as to whether I should stick some Vallis in there or not? I'm reluctant to add it in later because it will be such a hassle to plant it! Would be much easier to plant when I'm placing rocks! 
Any suggestions on the Vallis predicament? 
Of course, a full gallery of pictures to come!
So today is the day! Super keen to get these rocks in. On with the pictures!
First of all, the before..

You can see I had some calcium build up on the back of my tank. It is extremely hard to get off, and even harder when I can't reach it properly. 

But I did my best and started with taking the backing off. Then giving everything a good scrub. It hasn't come up perfect, but it's the best I could do. 


The siphoning the water started. Thankfully, Dad kept an off cut of a garden hose, and we were able to stick straight into the garden rather then going back and forth with buckets! Went so much quicker and my back is thanking me for it. 

While the water level was going down, took the filters out and put them in an aerated bucket of tank water. Gotta keep them bacteria alive and kicking!
Then started taking out the coral. Some of those pieces are far heavier then they look! And luckily Dad was around to lift out the big limestone block for me. Got my own personal Hulk in the house ;)


After doing that, leveled all the sand out, and did a major vacuum, followed by more water taken out. As you can see was pretty filthy once the sand was stirred up.
Considering how shy my Frontosa is, when I was leveling out the sand, he was coming right up to me and letting me rub his belly! Probably his way of telling me he's going to dig it all up later.. 

Once that was done, I whacked the backing back up. I decided to go with a dark blue instead of the black this time. Something slightly different.

Took a 5 minute break and thought, 'I haven't heard from my dog in a while'. Found him sleeping like this!

Started putting the new rock in, and put the filters back in. Had to make sure they would fit into where the rock was going.


Things sped up from there, had to get my filters into flowing water ASAP.  


Changed my mind a couple of times when it came to the middle. I ran out of rock. 


Filled it up, dosed with stress coat, plugged it all in, and off she went! Fish were out and about instantly. 

Lights went back on, a little cloudy after disturbing everything.. 

Getting a little clearer..
I think I prefer it with the blue light off..


Will get a picture later tonight when it's completely clear, and there's no reflections in the glass. I decided not to go with plants. knowing how much my scale babies love to dig, it would be a waste of time and probably money. I don't mind the look of it at the moment, but wishing I had more rock. I certainly underestimated the size of my tank when I was away!
Comments are very welcomed.

Looks like my Convicts have found a place to breed already 

Although I shouldn't get too excited, last time they did this, she ate the eggs the next morning -_-
Even though it appears I am talking to myself..
I got some Giant Vallis today. I'll be putting it in soon, and pictures to come!
Vallis is in. Would like a little bit more so will probably get that on Wednesday. Fish are absolutely loving it. 

And the final product... 
You have a fantastic looking tank. I love both scapes you've done. The first made it look quite like a marine setup.
WHere did you get the rocks?!

Oh, and the tank is AMAZING. I couldn't imagine a better cichlid tank. VERY WELL DONE 

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