Cichlid Behavior?

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May 5, 2003
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Why do my tiger oscars always lay on their sides? and pp; at the pet store said to never just get 2, and My fiance and I got 2 and they dont fight like the ppl said they would, they never leave eachothers side, theyre always swimming together and laying together, why? Did the ppl at the pet store just not have a clue?
Cichlids in general and ESPECIALLY tiger oscars have a personality. I had an albino tiger oscar once who was the biggest jerk in the world and would leave nothing to peace. And then again I have had several others that were the biggest sweethearts (for lack of a more manly word) in the world. Its true that you can teach a oscar tricks, a guy i knew rang a bell every day for about 4 months and then set it on the lid of the hood, after a while the cichlid cought on, when he wanted food he would bump the lid of the hood ringing the bell, amazing!! =)

Another thing, as you know oscars get rather big, and we all know that pretty much any fish is better in pairs or more as long as there is room, if you have a large enough tank the more the marrier! An example with tiger barbs, because I used to have alot of them, if you put one tiger barb in a tank of say mollys then he will most likely pick them appart, but put 10 tiger barbs in a tank that is big enough (key point) and the tiger barbs will keep more to thier group since they are a schooling fish and mess aroudn with each other rather than the other fish, note that this is in "most cases" once upon a time they all ganged up on a poor pleco, but he was on his last leg anyway.

Hope that helps in some way or another....
I think Oscars I've had are pretty social creatures, and like them always to have a buddy. As for the lying on the sides, mine seem to only do that when I'm changing the water, they're stressed, etc. If yours do that often, think I'd be concerned about their health or the water conditions, or both. Someone with more knowledge might know if this could be normal though.
I used to keep a male green terror with a female oscar who got om most of the time but quite often locked lips and had abit of a struggle they both came to the glass and the oscar used to jump up when I was putting food in it made me jump a few times in the morning
moray eels and oscars usually get along very well.. unless stressed..
Mt two oscars are always together, one even has a tendancy to protect the other from the green terror. Never saw them on their side though :no:
I have 2 3 inch Red Tiger Oscars who - likewise - spend most of their time following eachother around. They don't lay on their side when stressed but change colours. The dark areas turn grey.

When yours lay on their side do they go grey - if so I would agree with one of the previous posts that you need to check water conditions for your tank.

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My Oscar usually turns on his side when he is playing in the bubble curtian. He also turns on his side when he is stressed. Right now he is sick and spends more time on his side than normal.
:( mine was on its side at the top of the water tonite.. and the water was foggy.. i did a 50% water change the water is good and my oscar is swimming normal again.. i also found some black lil thing i dont normally see..
Well we have them moved to a bigger tank, a 55 gallon and now they dont lay on their sides barely ever! thanks guys. camie aka CandJ

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