I'm so sorry about George. By the time you see the pineconing, the kidneys have pretty much failed, which is why dropsy has such a high fatality rate. I just lost a female betta to dropsy. She was symptomatic for just one day, and then she died the next. I treated her with maracyn & maracyn 2, but it just didn't work for her.
The jury is still out as to whether dropsy is contagious or not. This is the first episode I've had, I immediately pulled her and placed her in the hospital tank, and I've been watching my other girls like a hawk but so far, so good. If you don't have a hospital tank, there's really nothing you can do but if there's anything else you can put him in, please do.
They're not even really sure what causes it so it's very difficult to do your best to prevent it. I've always had perfect water params in the tank this girl came from, and she got it anyway. I think it's like a person can come down with cancer. No matter how you try to avoid it, they're going to get it. Perhaps its genetic.
Please keep us posted as to how George is doing.