Fish Addict
Hey everyone.
As some people will know my lil baby Samba died afew months back..... He was 11 Months old and passed away of Liver Failure he was rushed to vets but they said it was undetectable until it was too late. They had him on 8 drips but he passed away early morning....
After Samba passed away I never thought I'd be able to take another kitty in I still had Gizmo(8 month old) and Simba(2 yr old)
but I guess that all changed heh.
Was 3 days before Xmas Eve and there was a really nasty storm outside, Gashing rain and howling wind, I was watching a film on Sofa when I heard a BANG! Outside so like ya do I went down to see what it was.
Bin had blown over and kinda set off down the path now it was pretty dark outside cause it was around 11pm but anyway I went and got the bin cause I knew it would only make more noise.
Notice the Lid had broken off the bin(fixed now) so I wheel'd bin back up the path when I heard somthing scratching inside it....
So I went and put the balcony light on only to find a little kitten in the bin 0.0 she looked up and me and started meowing....
Like anyone would I took her inside my home and straight into bathroom and gave her some water and kitten mix shortly after that I used Spot On spray to flea her and she must be the only cat I know who likes been flead cause she was puring during it. She had to be fleaed cause of other 2 cats.
anyway I opend bathroom door and she ran out jumped on the bed and cuddled upto Gizmo and since them we decided to keep her lol
Here she is!

As some people will know my lil baby Samba died afew months back..... He was 11 Months old and passed away of Liver Failure he was rushed to vets but they said it was undetectable until it was too late. They had him on 8 drips but he passed away early morning....
After Samba passed away I never thought I'd be able to take another kitty in I still had Gizmo(8 month old) and Simba(2 yr old)
but I guess that all changed heh.
Was 3 days before Xmas Eve and there was a really nasty storm outside, Gashing rain and howling wind, I was watching a film on Sofa when I heard a BANG! Outside so like ya do I went down to see what it was.
Bin had blown over and kinda set off down the path now it was pretty dark outside cause it was around 11pm but anyway I went and got the bin cause I knew it would only make more noise.
Notice the Lid had broken off the bin(fixed now) so I wheel'd bin back up the path when I heard somthing scratching inside it....
So I went and put the balcony light on only to find a little kitten in the bin 0.0 she looked up and me and started meowing....
Like anyone would I took her inside my home and straight into bathroom and gave her some water and kitten mix shortly after that I used Spot On spray to flea her and she must be the only cat I know who likes been flead cause she was puring during it. She had to be fleaed cause of other 2 cats.
anyway I opend bathroom door and she ran out jumped on the bed and cuddled upto Gizmo and since them we decided to keep her lol
Here she is!