Chris's 130l Tank

start with platy and mollies then 3 months later add guppys then 1 month later add corys 3 months later add your neons and rummys
Danios are out of the window then :p

the tetra family will be okay though ?
yeah but avoid:
neon tetras
cardinal tetras
rummy nose tetras for the first 6 months

okay thanks for the help !!

I have a question about rock types, are their any rock types that dont agree with fish or will effect my water in anyway ?
lime stone will raise your PH

when you get a rock put vinegar on it, if it fizzes dont use it

slate is safe
okay thankyou :D

ive found some beading to run down the sides of the tank, need to go to the shop and buy it then cut it to size, im going to buy all black stuff as its easier to get everything to black rather than to a light beach colour !!!

thanks for the help truck.
Yeh ive already been looking into that as well.

My girlfriends dad used to make fish tanks so im going to use the same sealent he used for the ones he built, cant remember the name though :p

Ive been thinking, would i be able to keep any shrimp in my commuinty tank ? or would they get eaten, i like the idea of having just a few of the bright red ones ( i think they are cherry shrimp) and was just wondering if they would survive in the tank with some mollies male and female (ratio 1 to 1) , platies and some guppies (all male) or would they get attacked ?

i also want an algae eater for the bottom, what would be the best choice that will survive happily in the tank?

i plan on the tank being half gravelly pellets and half sand, would this be a problem for any of them ?

Thanks, Chris.
Hate to rain on your parade but mollies are actually brackish and should really be kept in slightly salty water which most community tropicals won't cope with. Your substrate will be fine. A bristlenose plec is not a bad choice for an algae eater. I think you would be OK with an angel fish as well. 17" is plenty as 18" is the maximum growth height of a very big angel. Most won't get this big.

oh okay, i wont go for any mollies then :p

any ideas on the shrimps etc ?

thanks for your help guys, starting to get a bit of an idea on what i want my tank to look like :D

not quite sure on all of the fish types yet as the obv still need some refining :)
Just a little reply so my thread doesnt get lost too much :p

Ive bought 15kg of sand to see what it was like, seems quite good so am going back to buy more soon, now dads finished the fence he may help me with sealing the tank a bit better over the next week (i hope)

im also in negotiations to buy a stand for my tank but that will take some work to it to get it how i want it (making a door for it etc)

quick question though - Fire shrimp ... (i think thats their name, the BRIGHT red shrimp with white bits on)

Would they need to be in their own tank, or would they survive in a community tank ?

ive always like the idea of having different types of creatures in my aquarium and the fire shrimp look amazing

but at 22.50 from my LFS i dont want to be buying them if they will get eaten or will eat others !!
ah okay, nvm then :p

what shrimp would go in a community tropical tank ?

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