yeah but avoid:Danios are out of the window then
the tetra family will be okay though ?
neon tetras
cardinal tetras
rummy nose tetras for the first 6 months
yeah but avoid:Danios are out of the window then
the tetra family will be okay though ?
yeah but avoid:Danios are out of the window then
the tetra family will be okay though ?
neon tetras
cardinal tetras
rummy nose tetras for the first 6 months
lime stone will raise your PHyeah but avoid:Danios are out of the window then
the tetra family will be okay though ?
neon tetras
cardinal tetras
rummy nose tetras for the first 6 months
okay thanks for the help !!
I have a question about rock types, are their any rock types that dont agree with fish or will effect my water in anyway ?
ah okay, nvm then
what shrimp would go in a community tropical tank ?