Choosing Power Filter..


New Member
Feb 3, 2004
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New York
I currently have a whipser power filter 60 300gph
in my 55gallon tank.. but it seems whenever it sucks the wastes in
it comes backout of waterflow. :(
what is the best & effective power filter that will actually traps the wastes that sucks in ?.. thanks
For a Hang On Back type, it's probably an AquaClear, as you can put in a whole lot of media.
hows the bio-wheels filters..? if i use a biowheel filter
do i still need airpump to blow bubbles?
or does the biowheels makes fish breathe?
dont know the functions of biowheel
I've got a Penguin with a BioWheel, and I like it. Trying to decide whether to run that or an AquaClear at the moment (simply because I feel confident that my bio bed is strong, and the AquaClear has a much larger place to put filter media).

The main purpose of the Bio-Wheel isn't to introduce oxygen into the water, but to provide a place rich in oxygen for bacteria to grow. Also, because the wheel has a lot of bacteria growing on it (eventually), it makes it "safer" to change your filter cartridge, because you know you're still leaving some bacteria in the filter (usually, you never change or clean the wheel).

And also, I'm pretty sure that, in most situations, if you have a HOB filter of any kind there's enough surface agitation to keep sufficient oxygen in the water. That is, air stones are usually only for looks.

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