Okay, how's this sound for a 63 litre tank (PH 7.3/soft water) -
6 rummy-nose tetras
3 panda cories
Is that okay on stocking? More/less of either?
Was at the LFS yesterday and had a really good look at all the fish. Both the rummy-nose and the cories were just so INTERESTING and busy little things, swimming around and being inquisitive. Some of the other fish looked more dazzling (cardinal tetras for example) but were just there in their tank but not half so busy.
Liked the look of the Guppies but I'm sure I've read they're tricky for beginners?
Adding Ammonia to my tank now every day as its almost 0 by the next day. Nitrites high but nitrates not kicking in yet so a week or two to go I think...
Cheers for advice
6 rummy-nose tetras
3 panda cories
Is that okay on stocking? More/less of either?
Was at the LFS yesterday and had a really good look at all the fish. Both the rummy-nose and the cories were just so INTERESTING and busy little things, swimming around and being inquisitive. Some of the other fish looked more dazzling (cardinal tetras for example) but were just there in their tank but not half so busy.
Liked the look of the Guppies but I'm sure I've read they're tricky for beginners?
Adding Ammonia to my tank now every day as its almost 0 by the next day. Nitrites high but nitrates not kicking in yet so a week or two to go I think...
Cheers for advice