Luxum, that line in your post cracked me up.luxum said:~sigh~ Everybody always hatin' on the snails, i don't get it.They won't "take over" the tank. Their population will grow to match the food supply in the tank. Want less snails? Feed less and keep up with the water changes. Snails can be very beneficial, particularly the Malaysian trumpets since they keep the substrate aerated by burrowing around in it. They eat algae and keep it cleaned off the decorations and plants and whatnot, and eat excess food so it doesn't rot. They contribute a little poop but it's worth it for the clean do they do for you. The MTS burrows in the substrate, during the day you'll be lucky to see one, they come out at night. Like a crew of janitors! Snails make your little ecosystem more complete, i love them. I've kept them for years and they have never "taken over" a tank although they have population booms if there is an algae bloom. If they are on the front glass and bugging you, just wipe the algea off the glass and they will go elsewhere.
~John Lennon mode~ Alllll iiiii am saaaayiiiiing.... is give snails a chaaaance!![]()
You know what..I'll give them a shot, what the hey. I mean - seriously, how am I really going to know what I like / don't like unless I try them. I didn't like Plecos at first, but for all the good they do cleaning algea, I love them...and then I just got attached to the personality and looks of my Common.
I hate snakes, so I vowed never to have an eel. And I have one. He's beautiful (I just wish he'd come out more.)
So, what the heck. Let's try some snails. When I stock the tank, I'll toss some in. But first, I have a couple of questions:
1) How big do they get - do they count against my stocking levels?
2) Are my cichlids going to attempt to eat them? I hope not..
3) When you said my eel will "hunt" them, did you mean he'll eat them?
4) Since we're on the topic of snails being eaten, can I eat them?
I'll let you know how I make out!