Choice on new cichlids.


New Member
Jan 20, 2003
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I want to know what is your favorit cichlids and wich lake the come from or country. :D
I am looking for new cichlids to get right now I have 2 tanks on 30 gallon with 2 Red zebras, 2 Colbalt blues, 1 Electric yellow, & 3 Electric blues. In my 125 Gallon tank in have 2 convicts, 1 Jakc Deamcy, 1 Green Terror, & 1 Firehead. I want recommendations one what else to put in the 125 I want color full ones. :) Please Help.
Hi blasterjr,

When you say "firehead" are you referring to Vieja synspilus? Here is a pic of a female....


Let us know if this is what you have. We can then better advise you on what else you could keep.

On when I say Firehead I mean cichlasoma synspilum. It is about 28 cm long and is not very agressive at all. If this helps.
Actually, Cichlisoma synspilum IS Vieja synspilus. Back in the 1980's the Cichlisoma Genus under went a drastic change.

A lot of the fish calssed in this genus were re-named and V. synspilus was one of them. Does the pic look like yours? Keep in mind it's a pic of a female and if you have a male, yours will be more colorful!!

Give me awhile to consider what would be good companions for the fish you have and I will post my suggestions then.

By the way...what are the sizes of your other fish in the 125???

This will determine what can be placed in the tank as well!!

You are right I just found that out about the name of the fish. Yes that does look like my fish BUT there is not that much red in her. I guess ta would not mader to much. Lit me know when you can tell me what fish to put for her companions.
I have a Jack Deamcy that is about 10 cm, My Green Terror is about 7 cm, and my 2 Convicts are about 5 cm.
bottomfeeders are all i'd put in that tank,believe me you'll have your hands full w/the stock you already have.try some pictus cats(angelicus)or some plecos maybe a school of red hook silver dollars(my favorite) :thumbs:
I have conciered the Red hooks befor but I was not sure about the cichlids they are pritty mean. I put Bala Sharks in the tank that where about 6 cm long and they where gone that night. And CM if you can give me any names that would be much help too. :D

I really :wub: fish they make me :hyper: :) :D :fun:
Well first things first................This will be my 1000 post so I will try to make it a good one!!!!!

Now on to business......

My metric is not so good, but I think these are pretty close.....

V. synspilus....28 cm...10-11"
Jack Dempsey....10 cm....4"
Green Terror.....7 cm.....2.5"
Convicts.....5 cm.....2"

Now the problem is not that you don't have enough tank space available....the problem as I see it is twofold...

On the one hand, you have a large V. synspilus that is not very aggressive, so if you add fish comparable to the size of your Dempsey, green terror and cons, the synspilus may very well become aggressive due to the addition of new fish....

If you add a few fish of decent size, say comparable to the synspilus, they will certainly bully the smaller fish.

Now here is what I suggest...I am adding a link to a site I am very familar with. Please look at some of the photos and see if there is anything that interests you. If there is, post the names here and we can help advise you if it will work and what size you should be looking for.

I really am suprised that the synspilus is not more aggressive then she is. These are an aggressive species and it is in their nature to be mean!!

I hope this helps for now....



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