Chocolate Labarador Looking For New Home


~ I learn something new ~ ~~~~ every day ~~~~
Mar 31, 2005
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Norfolk, UK
A work colleague of mine living in London has a gorgeous 2 year old purebred chocolate lab - Mocha. Shortly after they got her though, they had a baby and unfortunately the little boy has since developed an alergy. Sadly they have no choice by to rehome her.
I can put you in touch with the family, so pm me with your interest and details - only if you are very serious. No time wasters please.

Here are some pics !




just thought i would mention this young dogs and kittens have fur that has a weird chemical on it or something and this will go away in time. also your body will adapt to the fur. all it is your body producing to many hestiamines which build up in your nose causing you to sneeze and eyes water. luckly your body can adapt to this it takes a year or so though.
i have had the same experinces with my black lab
and my cousins cats. and i am now fine witht them both.
Thanks I know :). But they've done many months of test and the little boy has been quite ill and in hospital.
So sadly Mocha definitely has to go. There is no alternative.
They are heartbroken indeed :( she's such a part of the family.
If I wasn't living in a flat and working full time, I'd have had her. No question.
I bet the little boy is going to miss her, they look so happy together. She looks like an ideal family pet. :)
It's always sad to rehome a pet :( and they really do look so happy together.

But I've put Suzie is in touch with them now, so watch this space and see if things work out :good:
Oh I do hope so! :wub: Sasha would love a friend, and we were going to get another lab at the end of the year anyway.
I'd always rather rehome a dog in need then have a new one made for me.
Suzie, that's so great of you. As little as I know about you through our chats on the web, I think this looks like a perfect match. :nod:
please get in touch with a local rescue to get help and advice on rehoming this dog at least this way homecheck can be done and rescue back up can be given, anybody can pose to be a genuine dog lover but you never really know without homechecks etc

also is the dog neutered as it could quite easily end up in a puppy mill been bred one after the other, if you need a list of rescues in the area go to there you will get all the advice needed to rehome mocha.
Even as a newbie I'm sure Bloo wouldn't put a post up, what a gorgeous looking dog and it does also say she is spayed :grr: if you read. I don't even know Suzie but just looking you can tell it will be a perfect match and she was also going to get another one anyway. I have 2 dogs one from a breeder and one from Battersea as I think it's nicer to give a dog a loving home and I would myself prefer to know she was going to a loving home :) You can tell Mocha is loved and well cared for from the photos. Keep us updated I hope Suzie can give Mocha a good home what a happy ending for all :good:
I think that's good advice, but having spoken to her owners, I can reassure you they are smart, responsible people and I'm sure their vetting process will be second to none, and certainly better than a Rescue centre would do; after all, they are rehoming a dearly loved family member, not just another stray that has come to them.
She's beautiful! Hope you can take her Suzie... keep us posted! :)

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