Chlorine Smell From Tap


Fish Addict
Aug 30, 2004
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Michigan - The Great Lake State
I don't know if my sniffer is oversensitive, but on some days my city tap water seems to have a slight chlorine (chloramine?) odor to it. Am I crazy? :S

Edit: spelling
No. I'd bet the amount of chlorine/chloramine in your water is directly link to a number of factors.

For example - if your water comes from a tank, and its been sitting in the tank for a day or two, the chlorine will have had a chance to disapate.
If your water comes from the mains, and you haven't had much rain recently, the resevior could be low and the amount of chlorine may not be as disolved as normal.

Finally, remember that chlorine is a gas at room temperature. In order for it to be mixed with the water it is added under pressure. It will come out of the water if it is allowed time to exchange via difussion (leaving it sitting in a bucket) of if the engery required to evap is less than the energy holding it in. This can best be seen by partly covering your tap (faucet!) with your finger. Squirt the water down into the sink, and sniff!!
Lol your not crazy... ok you may be but not cause you smell the chlorine :p. Sometimes it is really strong for me too
i only can smell and feel the chlorine if it goes up my nose right when it comes out of the faucet. its like swimming pool water going up my nose, except its much less intense
I firmly believe we are drinking out of the local swimming pool! It stinks. Just reminds me not to forget the dechlorinator, ever.

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