Chlorine in water


New Member
Jun 13, 2003
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Yo Guys,

Hi there yoall. I have a little query i'm sure someone will be to help me with. I am currently setting up a 37 gallon tank. I was alway led to believe that water from the tap had to be treated with a chemical agent to remove the chlorine elements. But i was reading in a (what seems to be a good) book that when filling the tank all the aeration of filling get rids of the cholrine?

Is this right, does aerating the water remove the chlorine?

Do i really need to treat water with chemicals?

If anyone can help or explain why this happens it would be very useful.


Penguin over and out!
Proper Bower that is!
Hi Penguin :D

Aerating the water does remove chlorine....

...But most good water conditioners do more than remove chlorine - also chloramin and sometimes heavy metals.....

You really need to find out what your local water company add to the water and if this changes during the year.... or use RO water (can be expensive and additives needed)

Better safe than sorry :/

btw I use stress coat - goes a long way :)

All of the tanks I have set up had one thing in common - once full up with heater running etc, everything got covered in bubbles. I think this was the dissolved gas (including chlorine) coming out of the water.

Wiping it off sent it to the surface and away and this has only ever happened when a tank was completely new. This says to me that the chlorine will go away but only over a couple of days with aeration going. I always put a small drop of treatment in the top up buckets and fill them after each water change ready for the next one - just to be safe. I don't use the full recommended dosage 'cus it's too expensive.
Leaving water to stand for a few days will allow chlorine to disperse into gas naturally, however it's always best to use a good quality tap water conditioner (as wetwetwet rightly says this will deal with chloramine and heavy metals in the water)
With the amount of chlorine and chemicals they are dumping into water sources these days (I swear I can smell the chlorine some days), I always have used some sort of water conditioner (AquaPlus). They aren't expensive at all and a little goes a long way.

Better safe than sorry!


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