Mine don't; the lady from
/newt150.tripod.com/photos.shtml[/URL] mixes her japanese and chinese newts together.
I'd have liked one of each sex HOWEVER they are such high demand that I had to drive miles away to find a second one.
I have read that newts will be hard to breed; however I have also read they are easy to breed.
IF they breed you need to remove the eggs as soon as you see them and put them in a different tank; when they hatch you need to make sure the tank is set up properly and that you feed them daily and provide land for them as they don't really like the water until they are a few years old. Did I also read that newts can have between 30-100 eggs (you'd have to confirm that) - I'd like to try breeding- however I don't have the facilities or space to take care of a whole load of babies. You need to remove the eggs because the parents will eat the eggs and baby newts.
Can you get a photo of your newt so we can try and sex it?
/www.flickr.com/photos/dipsydoodlenoodle/3944678115/[/URL] That is my Chinese newt; it has "bumps" at the base of the tail if you look closely; you can see them better on this photo but it's not as good