Chinese Algae Eaters


Fish Crazy
Jul 12, 2007
Reaction score
Bloomsburg pa
Wanting to set up a 29 gallon tank soon and I was thinking that a CAE would be nice for the algae clean up job, would this be a large enough tank for one, if not would the otto or bristlenose be a better suggested fish. I also heard that they can get agressive as an adult, I've heard that the Siamese Algae Eater can get agressive at an older age but I thought that the CAE's were alot more peaceful.I'm sorry I think I got the 2 mixed up, is it the Siamese Algae Eater that is not aggressive at an older age? My main thing is that I don't want something that will harm my fish later on down the road. Thanks.
CAE's grow up to be aggressive and they stop eating algae at the same time. So not ideal as a community algae eater really. But gorgeous fish all the same. I ended up buying another tank for mine when he needed moving out of the community tank - couldn't bear to get rid of him! lol
i have one in a 29g that only has 5 platties and 2 mollies in it and he's fine with them. but i did rehome him from a 55g with gouramis, where he was being a pain.
I'm sorry I think I got the 2 mixed up, is it the Siamese Algae Eater that is not aggressive at an older age? My main thing is that I don't want something that will harm my fish later on down the road. Thanks.
I'm sorry I think I got the 2 mixed up, is it the Siamese Algae Eater that is not aggressive at an older age? My main thing is that I don't want something that will harm my fish later on down the road. Thanks.

Siamese makes for a much better algae eater and tends to be much less aggressive. Be sure you can ID one though as LFS are notorious for mislabelling them.
Yep siamese algae eaters do a great job, make sure you get a few of them though, they enjoy company and a small group of them is really entertaining to watch :good: .

Though as mentioned, make sure you can ID them properly :).
How many could I get for the 29 gallon and still have enough room for quite a few other fish?
both are horrible fish and will harass any larger fish in the tank, dont bother.
How many could I get for the 29 gallon and still have enough room for quite a few other fish?
I'd say 3 :good: .

both are horrible fish and will harass any larger fish in the tank, dont bother.
That's an odd thing to to elaborate? My SAE's are very peaceful and I've heard of anyone else having problems with true SAE's -_- .
the CAE and SAE are nice fish but they dont agree with deep bodied fish as they like to eat the slime coat of fish aswell as algae if your keeping them with angels gouramis discus and anything else deep bodied like them can be killed by these algae eaters
im surprised no one has mentioned bristlenose plecos, i have 2 in my 180ltr and they don't half do a great job at keeping algae at bay, i also have 3 ottos which i never see eating but always have full bellys so they must also be doing a good job on the algae

edit, take size mistake
im surprised no one has mentioned bristlenose plecos, i have 2 in my 10ltr and they don't half do a great job at keeping algae at bay, i also have 3 ottos which i never see eating but always have full bellys so they must also be doing a good job on the algae

I hope you mean 10 gallon. Even so, thats still too small really for bristlenose plecs I believe.
i second the BN vote, i'm a bit shy of SAE/CAEs, i obviously had the aggro ones, not the peaceful ones and they wrought havoc! (and were bl@#%y hard to catch and remove!!!)

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