I bought one a year and a half ago, he was great until the last few months. I also have a black ghost knife, four clown loaches, a common pleco, 5 skirted tetra, and 3 glow fish. A couple months ago i noticed that one of my black skirt tetras tailfins were half gone, and I didnt know what was going on, so I kept watching. he wasnt doing anything I could see so I left it alone. then he bit the tail off my black ghost knife. one whole ring gone...
that made me mad. but I didnt have anywhere to take him due to no local owned lfs. So I watched again. and he started beating up on my clown loaches when they got to "his" side of the tank, and watched him attack my black ghost knife three times. so I bought him a ten gallon tank two nights ago and he now lives by himself. Its sad because he has such a personality, and is very active. but it had to happen. now i'm trying to figure out what i can put in a ten gal with him.. he looks so lonely sittin under his rock looking at me.. Any ideas anyone?