Chinese Algae Eater Killer In My Tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 18, 2011
Reaction score
newcastle upon tyne
i got 2 chinese algae eaters they were ok for a little while but now 1 of them has started chaseing my other fish then my gold nuget pleco turns up dead and then 1 of my mollys and 4 neons gone missing
my tank is a fluval roma 240 with fluval 305 amonia 0 ppm nitrite 0 ppm nitrate is about 40 ppm possably a bit more i do a 25% water chang every 1 and a half to 2 weeks clean the filter onse a month the only thing i can think of is the chinese algae eater sucking them to death i am getting rid of about 10 to 12 of my fish and getting 2 amazon puffers and am worried about them getting sucked to death and i dont want to give them away to kill some 1 elses fish please help thanks rob
From what I have heard about puffers, I would worry more about the other tank inhabitants. Someone will correct me if I am wrong, I am sure, but they are violent so and sos and not suitable for a community tank.

I know that doesn't answer your question but I couldn't really figure out what the question was...
I've got a pair of the swines as well. They're about 5 years old now and about 5" long. They tend to spend most of the time sulking in their respective hidy-holes but they do chase fish occasionally. I'm told they can have a tendancy to suck the coating off other fish but I haven't seen this. Possibly because I've had them since they were tiny or because they each get a wafer every day.
Couldn't say whether your 2 are not guilty though. Hope not.
sorry i was not clear i just want advice on what to do with them as i have some one coming to get most of my other fish and don't want them going with them and killing them also will they be OK with amazon puffers ??. or if there was any way to stop them trying to suck my other fish to death also amazon puffers (south American puffers)are the most placid of the puffer fish although they are fin nippers at feeding time i have seen them with guppy's and neons on you tube they are OK as long as the fish don't have long fins and are fast enough to get away thanks for any constructive advice
I mean this in a nice constructive way: please use commas and full stops, as that's really hard to read!

So if you're wondering if they're ok with puffers, wait and see if they are once you add them. If they're not, there's really no miracle cure to stop CAEs sucking on slime coats, it's something they commonly do given the chance. Keep them well fed and hope for the best.

If it turns out they attack the puffers, you will have to ask around the shops to see if someone will take them off you, or advertise them.
I have to laugh... Just because something is on YouTube does not mean that it should be copied! Any kind of puffer will nip at and eat tank mates given the chance. I wish you the best of luck!
return them to the local fish shop, no rocket science needed here.
just getting rid isnt always the best option especially for the fish.

I would try it and see how it goes with the puffers. sa puffers can be quite docile however as with alot of fish it comes down to individual fish.

tbh if the tank was big enough i would say chinese algae eaters are a suprisingly good choice of tank mate as long as you keep a very beedy eye on them and organise the tank properly ie lots of hidey holes :good:
return them to the local fish shop, no rocket science needed here.
just getting rid isnt always the best option especially for the fish.

I would try it and see how it goes with the puffers. sa puffers can be quite docile however as with alot of fish it comes down to individual fish.

tbh if the tank was big enough i would say chinese algae eaters are a suprisingly good choice of tank mate as long as you keep a very beedy eye on them and organise the tank properly ie lots of hidey holes :good:

Also just for the record i quite often use youtube when researching fish but most vids need to be taken with a pinch of salt

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