Children ask the most weird things!!


Fish Crazy
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
Northern Ireland
I currently have a few nephews staying with us at our home and when I was doing a water change I was explaining why it is important to get rid of the fish poo so that the fish could have healthy water to live in.

Everything was going fine until the youngest one suddenly asked if fish wee :crazy: , this I am afraid has some what stumped me :huh:

I would assume that they do although I cannot back this up, he is the sort of child that requires verification by someone else, sort of like some members on this forum :p

I would appreciate any advice, has anyone else had any questions thrown at them that just threw them for six before??
Yes, fish absolutely "wee." From what I understand, fish pee is basically pure ammonia (bad for tank) and fish "poop" will eventually break down into ammonia. Water changes don't necessarily remove ammonia, but they remove the byproducts of the bacterias that break it down. What you are taking out of the water is nitrates. Anyways, probably more info than you needed! But yes, I believe fish do "wee."

Right thanks for the clarification I thought they must but was not too sure, hopefully that will be the end of this post.

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