Here's some pics of the ex battery hens we picked up from a rescue in London yesterday As you can see, some are in quite bad condition.. Theres a couple who are not too bad though! These were due to be killed because they were 'too old'
A nice looking one with a not so nice looking one..
This is Dilys! She's probably the worst one but she is SO sweet!! She'll eat from our hands and she runs up to us when she sees us! )
And look at the presents they left for us this morning.. Two eggs!!
Here's some pics of the ex battery hens we picked up from a rescue in London yesterday As you can see, some are in quite bad condition.. Theres a couple who are not too bad though! These were due to be killed because they were 'too old'
A nice looking one with a not so nice looking one..
This is Dilys! She's probably the worst one but she is SO sweet!! She'll eat from our hands and she runs up to us when she sees us! )
And look at the presents they left for us this morning.. Two eggs!!