

Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
Up the water changes to 50% every week.

water quality is one of the main reasons for HITH and by providing good quality now you can avoid HITH althogther!!

You said the following in a post a little while ago and I was curious as to what HITH is??? What does it do??? Could you tell me some details please?

I'm not CM but,

Hexamita (HITH) is Hole In The Head disease. It's a neuromast pitting and erosion along the lateral line and epithelium. It starts out like a white bump then turns into a pit later on.

Oscars are very succeptable to it as are angelfish and Discus, although it can affect all fish.

Lax attention to water quality is usually the cause.

Treating with Metronidazole early on is usually best.
:fish: Luckily, I've never had to deal with any diseases over the I'm of no help.

I just wanted to ask Silver how the redhooks were doing? :D
So sorry that I missed this post silver....thanks smb!!

Spent many hours last night at the airport waiting on a fish shipment to arrive!!

No problem CM!!! It's thoughtful of you to pop in and say hi regardless ;o)

My Silvers are doing great!!! My babies are getting so darn big!!!! And now they swim with the 2 Adult Silvers. I love them SO!!!!!! Actually all of my fish are doing good after my big move 2 months ago. Didn't lose one and still haven't. I must admit, I have only done 2 water changes since I set my tank up the night of the move. I have been so busy unpacking and painting and what have you that I have kind of neglected my poor little fishies. Hey, but the water specs are all good and the temp and filter are great so I suppose "All's Well that Ends Well"!!!

hey silver. I am a new kid on the block, but I see you are from Wa state. Mee tooo!I am from Whidbey Island. Where are you?
"All's well that ends well"

:fish: That is most definitely my personal motto. How I was lucky enough for my older fish to have survived my mistakes and "learning experiences," is beyond me.

Best of luck in the new place! :drink:

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