Cherry Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2012
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so i have a 15 gallon tank with 7 male fancy guppies.. 4 emerald cories.. and i am looking into getting some cherry shrimp. i had an apple snail for a while and she just recently died and im looking to replace her "cleaning" abilities in my tank... BUT i want to be very careful on what i choose because i don't want another critter thats gonna harm my plants.. mostly because they are really close to being one of the favorite things in my tank. soooo if there are any suggestions or any helpful information about the cherry shrimp or other cleaning critters that will leave my plants alone.. it would be greatly appreciated. :)
amano shrimp or cherries and if your willing to spend a bit more crystal reds are nice but if you want cherries ask PeterClarke666 on here if your in the uk :good:
cherry shrimp are the cheapest and are pretty hardy
I bought 3 recently for my community tank and I don't regret it, they don't damage plants, they are very pretty and cute and apparantly they breed fast too, I haven't had babies yet but i'm hoping for some. I think they just eat left over food and micro-organisms or somthing, I haven't had any fatalities
I'm even thinking of turning a smaller tank into a shrimp tank
I think you should get some they are great! ;)
Shrimp are awesome. They clean tanks well do not hurt plants. They are fun to watch and addictive. I breed cherry shrimp, tiger shrimp, and CRS. I love them all. So just watch out you might want to set up a planted tank just for shrimp.

Your guppies could bother the shrimp but they will be ok. They might eat any babies. Guppies are not the best tank mates for shrimp. But if you don't care to breed them then it will be fine.
thank you guys for all the awesome input!! makes me excited to see what all possibilities i have when it comes to the shrimpies! i just really hope the little critters don't eat my plants!! i have the option to get cherry shrimp or ghost shrimp.. i've been told the cherries live a lot longer?
I'd go with the cherries. They won't eat plants, and in a highly planted tank your guppies won't be able to eat all the shrimplets!!!!!

Also I'd up the corys to 6 as they are schoolers...

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