Cherry Shrimp.... Water Movement Or Not ?


Fish Herder
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham UK
Had my 2nd batch off Shaz for a while now, and am using air/foam filters.... well my little air pump died, so out came a spare - which was a little overkill, so I added an "air wall" to the tank....
They seem happy enough, but theres no breeding taking place, would the bubbles be putting them off lurve ? :crazy:
Not ONE reply ????? come on guys ;-)

glad to see the shrimp are doing well...

as to the water flow, i have no idea, i dont really have much of a flow in my breeding tanks.

maybe its the time of year i have noticed my shrimps have slowed down :blink:
No idea to be honest, just felt i should reply so you don't feel ignored :lol:

Air filters are generally recommended as they wont suck in the babies so i don't think it will be the problem.

I've read that too much flow can affect shrimp with a free swimming larval stage like Amano, but baby cherrys are essentially miniature adults so shouldn't have this problem.

To help work out other reasons they might not be breeding are the females carrying eggs and the babies not surviving or do they not carry eggs at all?
I have 2 sponge filters creating quite a bit of movement in my tank (got cherries and apple snails in their own tank) and never seen any lack of birthing going on, females are always carrying eggs and there are plenty of fry to show for it.

So I don't think that water movement is detrimental.
..any other ideas then ?

What temp do you guys run at ? water additives ? food ? etc...

Since i upped the waterflow in my tank, they seem to be breeding more lol
My cherrys are at 24 C, water is ph 7.5 and the only chemicals/ferts i use is the declorinator.

They eat the naturally occuring algae, generic fish food my harlequins miss and a few bits of crab cuisine, My Moss is full of babies so they are breeding well.
No heater in my tank but then it is in my fishrooom, the tank is self contained with its own light in the hood, temp is usually around 23c most days. I add calcium and iodine whenever I do a half water change but the additives are mostly for my snails but the cherries seem to be doing well on it as well as their colours are really coming out.

I feed them on algae wafers, fine granule fish food that I get from T. Addis's site and also put in a bit of brineshrimp when I have some spare and any flake food (I keep this for the grindal/whiteworm cultures) I have to hand.

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