Cherry Shrimp Playing Hide And Seek

Graeme Edwards

Mar 20, 2006
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I bought 6 red cherry shrimp over a week ago now for my tropica aqua cube and for the first few days they were relay active, now im lucky if i see ONE!
They keep hidden in the smallest of cracks in a small piece of bog wood.

So annoying 20cm cube nano planted tank and no action from the shrimp, Crazy :/

Any clues???
I think Craynerd recently said exactly the same thing about his. Though I find it hard to understand how they can hide successfully in such a small cube as yours :S
Well that will be me then never putting cherry shirmp on my shopping list ! lol

You guys should try and track down some crystal red shrimp - moody they will look particularly good in your cube :)
My amano shrimp live in my coconut cave, and I see them crawling about in it through the holes in the top, it's cool. They never really come out, and i'm not sure how many are housed in the cave, but I have 4 in total and can never see any of them apart from the odd one crawling across the cave.

Neal :good:

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