Just wanted to update. I think I've figured out what was going on.
I think the dechlorinator I was using wasn't doing its job.
I should've realized this before.
I use 2 different ones. A more concentrated kind for my big tank, and then another for the smaller tanks.
Nothing was ever wrong with the 125gallon tank whenever I did water changes.
But in the shrimp tank and the 29gal... every time I did a water change, the shrimp would die and fish would die in the other tank.
Now in my other tank, I didn't think much of it b/c the fish that were dying were sickly platy.
So yeah, bought a different brand of dechlorinator and did a water change and everything seems to be ok so far. Only have a handful of shrimp left so not sure, but the snails didn't freak out after the water change so that's a good sign.
If everything still appears to be ok the next couple of water changes, then I think I'll buy some more shrimp. I miss having a ton of them in the tank.