Cherry Shrimp Mass Die Off


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
I'm not sure what's going on with my cherry shrimp but this is the 2nd time that this has happened.
The first time, I thought it was because the temp of the tank got too hot.
Now though... not sure what went wrong. I think the hottest it got was about 82. Everything looked fine yesterday, and then I wake up today and have a tank floor full of dead shrimp. There are still a bunch in the tank alive and kicking.
Could it be from inbreeding maybe? I haven't gotten any new ones well, since I've gotten the first 10 of these.
Should I go ahead and buy more?
Nope. Nothing new to the tank.
I did just do a water change 2 days ago with dechrloinated water of course as usual. That shouldn't have been a problem though since it hasn't harmed anything before.

I dunno.... a bit worried that the remaining shrimp will die. A few of them are acting the same way they did the first time they died. In one corner frantically swimming back and forth. And then the next day, woke up to a bunch of them dead.

Maybe I should do another water change?
Are you adding hot water from the tap to the tank?

I ask because copper can sometimes occur in tap water from hot water boilers and shrimp are very sensitive to it
I made the mistake the first time i had cherry shrimp of adding some hot from the tap and they died off pretty quickly, once i realised this could be the problem i changed my procedure for water change and got some new ones and they are thriving. I was also using seachem prime but due to the small water changes i think this was too concentrated to get a accurate amount so changed to petshop tapsafe just to be sure i wasn't over dosing the conditioner
Nope, no hot water. I actually made sure the water was cool before filling up the bucket I use to do water changes.
I went ahead and did another one earlier today.
Pretty sure a lot more of the shrimp have died.
Hopefully some survive.
Maybe it was just something in the tap.... can't figure out what else it could've been b/c I've done nothing different.
Nope. Not at all.
The tank is sitting right behind me (at my computer desk), and I actually made sure to keep an eye on the temp to make sure the temperature didn't drop too much. It may have dropped a degree or 2, which is normal for when I do a water change.
Nothing was done differently.

Looks like most of the shrimp have died now. There are still a few left though. Hopefully they make it through whatever the heck is going on.
I had exactly the same problem. Do a water change when you remove the dead ones (not a huge water change necessarily) so that ammonia from dead shrimp doesn't get too strong.
Are you adding hot water from the tap to the tank?

I ask because copper can sometimes occur in tap water from hot water boilers and shrimp are very sensitive to it

Very interesting and makes perfect sense. I add from the hot tap and this might explain why most of mine died.
Are you adding hot water from the tap to the tank?

I ask because copper can sometimes occur in tap water from hot water boilers and shrimp are very sensitive to it

Very interesting and makes perfect sense. I add from the hot tap and this might explain why most of mine died.

You can get API and salifert tests to see if there is copper in the water :nod: they're very sensitive to it..
If you got another tank put the rest of shrimp in there, mine all died apart from a few, and they was on the edge of dying but I put in a different tank and they was fine, I lost around 150.
On the same vein as the hot water question: has there been any water main work in your area recently? Last year the connections fromt he water main to the houses on my street were replaced and I didn't think anything of it at first until shortly after the next water change I had a snail apocalypse - you never realize how many snails are hiding in your tank until they all come out and die at once. I didn't figure it out until my LFS had the same thing happen to all their inverts - it was right after the water main was fixed on that street, and the manager said right after the new pipes were put in, copper levels jumped pretty high for a couple months.
No idea if they worked on the water system here or not.
All of the trumpet snails in the tank were fine (and had quite a shrimp feast).
There are a few shrimp that have survived and seem to be doing just fine now. *shrugs*
Just hope this doesn't happen again but not like I can really do anything about it if it does.
Wanted to ressurect my thread b/c it's definitely the water that is causing them to die.
I've done 2 water changes and every time, a lot of the shrimp die off.
I don't know what to do. I guess whatever is in the water isn't being detoxified by the dechlorinator, so any advice would be great.

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