Cherry Shrimp In 1/2g? Bad Idea?

Don Trinko

Fish Crazy
Dec 27, 2006
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I have a small 1/2g glass tank with jave moss and valistinaria in it. The plants are doing fine and there is some algae. No filter or air. The LFS and my research indicated that cherry shrimp were hardy and would work in the tank. ( 2 or 3 shrimp) they seem fine at first but after a week or 2 they die. I did check ammonia and it was .25. I added some amaqeul+ but they still die after a week or two. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks; Don T.
Any measurable Ammonia is lethal to shrimps :(

1/2g? Are we talking about 2 litres?
Any measurable Ammonia is lethal to shrimps :(

1/2g? Are we talking about 2 litres?
Yes it is abought 2 liters. I guess shrimp is not the right thing for the tank. I'll stick to just plants till I figure a better way. Thanks; Don T.
I would say its too small for shrimp as it should be filtered and you wont find one for a tank that size.

You should be able to keep some in a filtered 5 gal, but i wouldn't use anything smaller. Like isnail says any ammonia is lethal to shrimp so you should fishless cycle it or clone the filter from another tank before adding the shrimp.
I would say its too small for shrimp as it should be filtered and you wont find one for a tank that size.

You should be able to keep some in a filtered 5 gal, but i wouldn't use anything smaller. Like isnail says any ammonia is lethal to shrimp so you should fishless cycle it or clone the filter from another tank before adding the shrimp.

Thnaks; I had plants in for several weeks but I did not do a fishless cycle. I should have known better. I have been putting Amaquel+ in. It is suposed to make up to 1.2 ammonia harmless. Since i only had .25 I thought that would work.
Thanks again; Don T.
you need something to rid the tank of the shrimps waste. water changes wouldnt be enough to keep them going. get some sort of nano filter??
Would an undergravel filter help? The tank is round so most fliters won't fit well. Don T.
Probably, undergravels are excellent filters if maintained properly. :good:

Just make sure the shrimp can't get sucked into it, and that you cycle the tank before adding them.
itd be ok...just do water changes every 3 days or so...only 1/4 at a time id say. make sure your temp is right on when doing water changes

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