Cherry Shrimp Have Seeminly Multiplied!


Fish Crazy
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
Hampshire, Uk
Hi Peeps.

Thought I’d post to let you know about my shrimps.

About 4 months ago I brought 10 shrimps off a chap from eBay. I put them into my community tank and sadly I thought they had all been eaten. After a week or so I had only ever spotted 2.

Anyway I left them and every now and again would see the odd shrimp in the tank.

In the last week it appears they have been thriving in my plants at the back of the tank. The most I have counted is 23, there are some beautiful females that have stunning colours and the males seem to be everywhere!

It just goes to show no matter what you think has happened they may still be there lurking in the background!

Now when I look in the tank the cherries seem to be everywhere!
They do take a while to settle in- i had 20 ish on saturday from one female-there might be more-there so small arent they!
:lol: That's why people say they breed like rabbits :lol:
Nice one man what other fish do you have in there as im gonna try and combine them with some small fish.
I have loads of different fish....

Glass Cats,
breading pair of BN Plecos
1 Albino Pleco (hope to get a male for her from my new batch)
Blue Tetras
Neon Tetras
Amino Shrimp (10)
Bamboo (filter) shrimp x 2
Dozens of Mollies and palties or various sizes (fry to 4-5')
My original 20 have turned into currently 150+ in a 20 gal tank. I've probably sold almost 100 since I originally got them. They are comming out of the woodwork. I swear I'm going to start using them as fish food. :blush: I still don't count them as part of the stock in the tank and I very rarly feed them.

mine live with swords, sparkling gouramis, and various species of blue-eyed rainbows. I also have the tank very densly planted, its like a swamp most of the time. One time I was doing a water change and I drop the water really fast and I had like 10 shrimp flopping around on top of all the plants cuz they couldn't get through them fast enough! silly shrimp

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