New Member
Hi I would be interested in 15, but I am unable to PM you. So would be greatly appreciated if you would PM me please.
would tigers barbs and bns be oright with these shrimps, and also how many in a 65l tank?
I think they might be lunch! lol, the Danio's will love them, shame tho, always set up a second tank! I caught MTS!!!, now ive got loads of tanks! its a crazy bug!would they be ok with, mollys, neons, zebra danio, and a betta? id be intrested in a few if they wouldnt get eaten
######.....i really wanted some aswell! how big do they get? would any be big enough to not be lunch lol i already have 3 tanks....i need to stop
would they be ok with, mollys, neons, zebra danio, and a betta? id be intrested in a few if they wouldnt get eaten
well, my betta is VERY intrested in anything new....although he doesnt really attack or chase any of his tank mates...even teh guppy which im very proud of anyway do they need a filter and heater? im really intrested in these now.....