Cherry Shrimp Forsale

Hi I would be interested in 15, but I am unable to PM you. So would be greatly appreciated if you would PM me please.

Im going to be sending Shrimps out Monday as i will be working all week, so if you want some let me know before Monady 3pm and they will be in the post, Cheers James
would tigers barbs and bns be oright with these shrimps, and also how many in a 65l tank?

I think the Tigers would love them! not to sure about the Bristlenose's,but i really wouldnt put them in with the Barbs

Cheers James
would they be ok with, mollys, neons, zebra danio, and a betta? id be intrested in a few if they wouldnt get eaten :)
would they be ok with, mollys, neons, zebra danio, and a betta? id be intrested in a few if they wouldnt get eaten :)
I think they might be lunch! lol, the Danio's will love them, shame tho, always set up a second tank! I caught MTS!!!, now ive got loads of tanks! its a crazy bug!
######.....i really wanted some aswell! how big do they get? would any be big enough to not be lunch lol i already have 3 tanks....i need to stop :blush:
######.....i really wanted some aswell! how big do they get? would any be big enough to not be lunch lol i already have 3 tanks....i need to stop :blush:

The grow up to about an 1", they might not get eaten , but i dont think they would feel at home with any large preditors around, and probably never turn red, thats my opinion, others might say different, a small 30 Litre tank is quick to set up and cheap! 3 tanks is never enough!!
would they be ok with, mollys, neons, zebra danio, and a betta? id be intrested in a few if they wouldnt get eaten :)

The only questionable tankmates for RCS out of those are the neons and the betta and both depends on personality. For a shrimp only tank 1-3 gallons is ideal to just have tucked away.
well, my betta is VERY intrested in anything new....although he doesnt really attack or chase any of his tank mates...even teh guppy which im very proud of :) anyway do they need a filter and heater? im really intrested in these now.....
well, my betta is VERY intrested in anything new....although he doesnt really attack or chase any of his tank mates...even teh guppy which im very proud of :) anyway do they need a filter and heater? im really intrested in these now.....

Yeah it always best to have a filter and a heater, you can use a normal internal filter, i use a Fluval 2 with a pair of tights cut up and placed over the intake part, so they dont get sucked into it, Seems to work well! Missus aint Happy Thou!

They are really interesting to watch, and if you get the water conditions right and they are happy they will breed like mad, let me know if you want some,

Cheers James
Are there any shrimp left, how much for 30 .

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