Cherry Shrimp For Sale (Nottingham)


Fish Herder
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham UK
Offers or swaps etc... (equipment, fish, plants etc or good old money :lol: )

Happy to post IF YOU SEND packaging !!!!!
you dont say how many or cash price?

or what equipment you would like?

Errrr, OFFERS :lol: What yer got ? If it has to be the dirty lucre, then a quid a go upto £10 then 50p sounds fair to me, taken that "Maidenhead Aquatics" are asking £3 each - for ones with 5 legs :sick: - I kid you not !
what kind of packaging would I have to send?
thats fine - tbf I dont know how many shrimp I need either.

I want some, but as the meth blue doesnt seem to be dissipating very quickly it wouldnt be fair to the poor things :(
Also intersested to know what packaging would need to be sent.
Packaging depends on your faith in the royal mail... :blush:

I have been sent shrimp that are absolutely fine in a cardboard 3 inch cube, padded with newspaper ! The water was stone cold, but not one shrimp died ! (errr, they were in a plastic bag too!)

This type of packaging is fine as far as Im concerned, but if you want to pack it in polystyrene and add a heat pack, then you can spend as much as you like ! :lol:

I would recommend AT LEAST "next day delivery" although 1st class should get it there.

The choice is yours, Im not pandering to folk who extract the urine anymore... Ive had folk who have sent a paper envelope for fish ! (honestly...)
I requested that YOU send packaging for the very same reason.... I have to goto the shops to buy this stuff, then the buyer dont want to pay for it ! So sorry, but this is how it it now ! :blush:
Where abouts in Nottingham are you Rooster, I literally wanted a couple (as in two) shrimp. Yes I know it's an odd number but I have some back home in Sheffield, and was raising a baby here at uni but lost him (unkown cause, water is fine so I'm guessing natural causes or insufficient diet for a shrimplet).

Figured it must be fate that I happen to see someone in Nottingham selling cherries.
okidoke I will look into buying some packaging then!
Where abouts in Nottingham are you Rooster, I literally wanted a couple (as in two) shrimp. Yes I know it's an odd number but I have some back home in Sheffield, and was raising a baby here at uni but lost him (unkown cause, water is fine so I'm guessing natural causes or insufficient diet for a shrimplet).

Figured it must be fate that I happen to see someone in Nottingham selling cherries.

North - not far from the DVLA !!!! (j26 m1 ... ish ;) )
Lol. Nevermind that idea then, I'm restricted to cycling whilst at uni.

Thanks though, might see if I convince the parents to do a detour when they pick me up in April. Are you likely to still have some available then? Probably somewhere between 5-10, so still not a huge amount...

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