Cherry shrimp dying


New Member
Jan 2, 2024
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Urmston, Manchester
My nano tank is in a crisis. The cherry shrimp are dropping like flies, but now I'm not even sure if they're dead. The jump and land on their backs, making them appear dead. There are 20ppm nitrates to feed to plants, 0 nitrites and 0 ammonia. Could it be the tannins in the water because the water is quite brown. I took the water to the local fish store and they said it's fine. I was told the total hardness was too low but it will rise because i have volcanic soil in my tank. Can someone tell me what's going on?!?
Do the cherry shrimp have a white "ring" around their middle? Water that isn't hard enough can cause failed molts, but that doesn't result in them still being alive like you describe. I don't know what else it could be. Are there other fish in the tank that could be bullying them?
What are you current water hardness parameters ? How old is your tank ?

The only thing that comes to my mind at the moment is a toxin in the water.

Add activated carbon in you filter.
Do repetitive small water changes.

Get an hardness test kit of your own. it's only 2 bottles more, if you have a basic master kit.

If your hardness is too low at the moment and shrimps are showing abnormal comportment. they wont wait for your substrate to leech minerals.

I can see your in Urmston, Manchester and water supply there is Soft to Moderately Soft. If your water is soft they will disintegrate.

You need to be right in lower Hard Water. Carbonate Hardness not under 40ppm pref 50-60

One other thought - have you put any new plants in the tank very recently? Plants imported from the far east are commonly treated with insecticide and/or snail killing chemicals which also kill shrimps.
No they are all red. It is a one species tank so there is no fish.
Do the cherry shrimp have a white "ring" around their middle? Water that isn't hard enough can cause failed molts, but that doesn't result in them still being alive like you describe. I don't know what else it could be. Are there other fish in the tank that could be bullying them?
Is it normal for them to just jump up and lay on their backs? When this happened, they were still alive and died after about 20 minutes.
it's possible that if the tank is only 4 weeks old, there might not be much of the bio film they like to eat...
I have put in the plants when i got the tank.

we got the shrimp last Saturday

It could be the plants, any chemicals will hang around a long time. Where did you get the plants from?

I only buy plants which are guaranteed shrimp safe, which means grown in the UK or the EU. When apple snails were banned by the EU, all plants imported from places where the snails were endemic had to be treated with snail killer to be allowed into the EU. We may no longer be in the EU but I can't see far east plant growers sending two batches of plants this way, one with snail killer for the EU and one without for the UK - it's all be the same plants.
GH for cherry shrimp need to be at least 110. This can be increased intentionally by using crushed coral (basically marine sand) in a filter bag.
Using Calcium Carbonate will also increase KH and PH.

I would start with Calcium Chloride instead it will also raise the PH a little, but not the KH and try to raise it over 100ppm.

Is it normal for them to just jump up and lay on their backs? When this happened, they were still alive and died after about 20 minutes.
No this is highly concerning, good shape shrimp stands straight like a soldier in any position.

Like it was mentioned before. There is high probability that there is a toxin in the water.

Add activated carbon in your filter ASAP. Do repetitive small water changes. every 10 minutes.

If all your shrimps are showing the same symptoms go for bigger water changes.

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