Cherry Shrimp Dropping Eggs

Norwich keeper

New Member
Jun 14, 2007
Reaction score
Norwich, UK
I am new to shrimps and have had some Cherry Shrimps for just over a month now. All going well.

1 of the females has had eggs now for 2weeks, another 2 have just got eggs as well so I'm happy!

This morning I noticed that the 1 who has eggs for 2weeks has dropped a clump of about 10 eggs onto a piece of bogwood and then another 2 eggs into some Java Moss.

Is this normal or is there a problem. If so why is she doing this. I thought the eggs would stay with the female until they hatch?

Sorry if this is a silly question but like I said, I'm new to shrimps.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
I think its a first time parent thing, I remember mine doing that when they were young. Normally the eggs are carried about by the mother until they hatch.
Quick update - More eggs have been dropped, a batch of around 20 this time! She seems absolutely fine though.

Hope this is a first time parent thing like you said.

Anyone else had this happen??
is this normal though ? will the eggs hatch fine??

trying to gether as much info as possible since i want to get some red cherry shrimp :)
yes happen to me the first time we had 20 fry and when they where at breeding age they use to drop there eggs but now they dont.its great when u see them being release when they are really its great watching them..

they breed like rabbits :good:
we have hundreds of fry now all sizes lol

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