Cherry Shrimp 50+ (Sale Or Swap)


Fish Crazy
Sep 20, 2009
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I am closing down my shrimp tank as I have other plans for the tank. I have no idea how many but I would guess there are more than 50 ranging in ages from baby to adult, some of which are carrying eggs. I would like them to go all together. I'm open to offers, including a swap for some cardinal tetras. Collection only from Maidstone in Kent

Note these are prolific breeders and if you want to sell them they sell at around about 50p each, if you can be bothered to sell them, which I can't.
Having a quick look I just counted 30 babies alone, I think there is more like 100 than 50, so hard to count. Does someone want to take them off my hand for £20?
if i pay postage on these could i have them ?
also what type price you looking for the lot ?
£30 for the lot posted, but posting is at your risk. I wont be able to post until next wednesday though
will they be fine with bettas ? or will they eat them ?
and do they breed well ?
They breed extremely well, many have eggs at the moment. I think Betta's will eat them though
okay i will leave it as i only have betta tanks an everything in my community will probs take a munch on them, good luck selling though
Now on Ebay

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